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Error Categorization
Category Definition Type Definition
Accuracy Errors classified under the Accuracy category denote translation errors. They are normally detected by comparing the source and target texts. Meaning The target language does not accurately reflect the meaning of the source text. This may include ambiguously or literally translated passages if the meaning of the source text is lost or altered.
Omissions/Additions Source text information has been deleted from the target text, or information not found in the source text has been added to the target text.
Untranslated text A portion of the source text has incorrectly been left untranslated (this does not apply to the parts left untranslated as per the project team’s instructions).
Cross-references References to other sections or components of the product are incorrect, or references to third-party products are incorrect. This includes: Software references in the documentation and help, references to manual/chapter titles, addresses, phone numbers, links, cross-references, index references, graphics, and part numbers within or across components.

Errors classified under the Terminology category denote compliance errors. Usually, these are deviations from an approved translation glossary.

Errors under the Language Quality category denote language errors. Usually, these are deviations from generally accepted language conventions.
Glossary Adherence The terminology used conflicts with the client/project and/or platform glossaries.
Consistency Terms are translated inconsistently throughout the target text, and within components of the same product.

UI translation should refer to the exact SW Glossary, or the terminology should follow generally accepted in industry standards contextually or conventionally.
The translation does not adhere to the target language-specific rules with regard to grammar and/or syntax, otherwise leads users to misunderstand with awkward wordings or expr
Typo The translation does not comply with the target language-specific rules with regard to spelling.
Readability The translation needs to be improved in fluency for ensuring better comprehension and understanding. Usually a suggestion.
Punctuation/Spacing The translation does not conform to the target language-specific rule with regard to punctuation, i.e. missing periods, overused commas, etc. In addition, terminology which breaks common spacing rules should be avoided.
Style Errors under the Style Guide category denote compliance errors. Usually, these are deviations from an approved style guide or from the translation instructions. General Style The translation does not adhere to the client-specific style guidelines and/or any other specifications provided for reference, or the translation does not adopt the E4Net feedback correctly and consistently throughout the product. Inappropriate level of formality; style conventions not followed; unidiomatic usage of target language; contextually inappropriate; disregard target audience, etc.
Tone/Suitability The level and style of language, usually appropriate to the situation or circumstances in which it is used, needs to be enhanced.
Consistency A specific sentence, phrase or style is inconsistently localized within a product.
Country Standards Adaptation of cultural references (time, measurements, currency, number formats, sorting) according to the general style guide or generally accepted conventions.
Layout Errors under the Layout category denote non-language errors. General Formatting Check general formatting errors (bullets, paragraph spacing, font style, font size, numbering, index etc.)
Tag Manipulation Formatting tags are changed; hidden codes are left unchanged. Hidden text in RTF files translated.
Links Check all links connect to appropriate websites.
Error Severity
MajorVery serious errors that jeopardize the meaning of a translated segment. Major errors are severe failures in accuracy, compliance, or language. Some examples of major errors are:
A. Accuracy errors that result in a significant change in meaning.
"Significant" means that the user is very likely to be misled or when two or more minor errors occur in one sentence at the same time, making the translation much less accurate by deteriorating user productivity seriously. Otherwise, when certain avoidable minor errors such as spacing, typo (for specific word), etc. are repeatedly found in the file.
B. Errors in visible part of documentation or software (header, TOC, chapter titles, help topic titles).
C. A mistranslation resulting from misrepresentation of the source, e.g. serious omissions, misinterpretation of source, misleading statements.
D. Grammar or syntax errors that are gross violations of generally accepted language conventions.
E. Terminology errors that should have been prevented to meet client's requirements, provided that it was originally requested to pay special attention to a specific glossary adherence via explicit instruction.
MinorAny error of a lesser severity than major error. Minor errors do not critically compromise the intelligibility of a translated segment. Some examples of minor errors are:
A. Accuracy errors that result in a slight change in meaning.
B. Small errors that would not confuse or mislead a user but could be noticed.
C. Formatting errors (other than issues resulting in misrepresentation of source), e.g. wrong use of bold or italics.
D. Wrong use of punctuation or capitalization not resulting in a loss of meaning.
E. Generic error to indicate generally inadequate style (e.g. word-for-word translation, "stilted" style, etc.)
SuggestionAny stylistic variations of a correct translation, as long as the target text conveys the meaning of the source text.
DuplicateUsed when the same error was already noted, but should be corrected in multiple places.
ReferenceOnly used when you need to provide a desired example of correctly translated or localized expression, string or sentence in the files.
To_PMSelected when any terminology, phrase, string, sentence or other issues to be clarified or checked by project manager.
To_ClientMostly used when a certain term or phrase needs to be checked and confirmed by client.


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