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法律英语基础句子:Process 传票、Judge 法官、Law 法律、Court 法庭

作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-25 16:58:46 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 英语翻译公司英语文档翻译公司杭州英语翻译公司

Process 传票

1.Address of service ofprocessshall be included in the Articles of Association. 公司组织大纲中应包括有传票送达地址。 2.Aliassummonsis asubsequentsummons issued to replace one that could not be served or otherwise failed. 第二传票是取代因无法送达或者因其他原因失效的传票之传票。 3.Smith wassubpoenaedas a witness to appear in thecircuitcourt. 史密斯被传唤作为证人在巡回法院出庭。 4.Summons is a writtennotificationthat one is required to appear in court. 传票是一种要求某人出庭的书面通知。 5.Thebailiffwas in charge of issuing a summons on thedefendant. 法庭执行官负责向被告签发传票。 6.the court served a summons on him. 法院向他送达了传票。 7.The summons was withdrawn. 传票被撤销。 8.The witnesses were subpoenaed to attend the trial. 用传票传唤证人参加审判。 9.The writ wasindorsedwith details of theplaintiff's claim. 传票上详细批注了原告的主张。 10.They were accused of demanding payment with threats. 他们被指控用威胁的方式提出付款要求。

Judge 法官

1.A good judge can extend theboundaryofjustice. 优秀的法官能够拓展正义的疆界。 2.A judge cannot be awitnessin his own cause. 法官不得在其受理的案件中当证人。 3.A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself. 法官不得对使自己蒙受的过错进行惩处。 4.A judgeincursno civilliabilityforjudicialacts, even if guilty offraud andcorruption. 法官不得因其司法行为而承担民事责任,即使犯有欺诈与贪污罪。 5.An upright judge has more regard to justice than to me. 法官能公正,重法不重人。 6.If the judge departs from the sentencingguidelinerange he must have a lawful reason for such a departure. 法官必须有合法的理由方可偏离根据判刑准则所确定的量刑范围. 7.Judges shall handle casesimpartiallyand in accordance with the law. 法官应当依法秉公办案。 8.Mostdisputesthat arise in any society are not handled through the court system. 社会的大多数争议并非都要通过法院体系解决。 9.No one can be at once suitor and judge. 起诉者不得兼为法官。 10.No one can be judge in his own case. 任何人不能审判自己的案件。 11.Sentencing is at thediscretionof the judge. 量刑由法官自由裁定。 12.The chairman of thetribunalasked to see all the facts on the income tax claim. 审判长要求考虑所有有关所得税主张的事实。 13.The judge was appointed to sit in a special case. 该法官被任命审理一个特别案件。 14.Themagistratescommitted her for trial at the Crown Court. 治安法官将她带到巡回刑事法庭受审。 15.The judge accepted the defendant's understanding not toharasstheplaintiff. 法官认可了被告不去骚扰原告的承诺。 16.The judge decided in favor of the plaitiff. 法官判原告胜诉。 17.The judge disallowed the defense evidence. 法官没有采信辩方证据。 18.The judge exceeded his powers in criticizing the court of appeal. 法官越权对上诉法院进行批评。 19.The judge found that te plaitiff's pleadings disclosed no cause of action. 法官裁定原告诉状没有说明诉因。 20.The judge heard the case inchamber. 法官不公开审理该案。 21.The judge must not hear the evidence or the representations from one side behind the back of the other. 法官不得背着一方当事人去听取另一方的证据或者陈述。 22.The judge ordered the actions to beconsolidated. 法官命令将诉讼合并审理。 23.The judge refused the application, on the ground that he had a judicialdiscretionto examineinadmissibleevidence. 法官拒绝了申请,根据是他有审查不被采信证据的司法裁量权。 24.The judge revised his earlier decision not to consider asubmissionfrom defense counsel. 法官修正了他早先不考虑被告方律师意见的决定。 25.The judge warned counsel not to prompt the witness. 法官告诫律师不得诱导证人。 26.The judge was of the opinion that if the evidence was doubtful the claim should be dismissed. 法官认为,如果证据有疑,应当驳回主张。 27.The justices were ordered to rehear the information. 法官被命令重新审理起诉。 28.The Lord justice said he was not laying down guideline for sentencing. 大法官说他现在没有制定判刑的标准。 29.The judgeconsentedto the request of theprosecutioncounsel. 法官同意控方律师的请求。 30.The practiced of the judge is the interpreter of law. 法官的通常工作是解释法律。

Law 法律

1.A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one. 后法优于前法。 2.Arms and laws do not flourish together. 武力与法律不能同时兴盛。 3.Consentmakes law. 合意产生法律。 4.Custom has the force of law. 民俗具有法律效力。 5.Customs, religious and philosophies tend to form the basis for a nation's laws. 风俗宗教和哲学常是一个国家法律构成之基础。 6.Equityis a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts. 衡平法是对普通法律规则中瑕疵部分的矫正。 7.Except as otherwise provided by law. 法律另有规定的除外。 8.Every law has aloophole. 凡是法律皆有漏洞。 9.Every law has no atom of strength, as far as no public opinion supports it. 若无公众舆论支持,法律是没有丝毫力量的。 10.In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics. 在文明社会,法律依靠道德所支撑。 11.It can hardly be taken to be a guarantee that every law shall treat every person the same. 不能保证每一部法律都能平等地对待每一个人。 12.Law can never be enforced unless fear supports it. 没有威慑力的法律绝对不会具有效力。 13.Law does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform. 法律不能强迫人去做不可为之事。 14.Law governs man , reason the law. 法律管制人,理性管法律。 15.Law is apervasivefeature of social life that profoundly affects us. 法在社会生活中无处不在,深刻地影响着我们。 16.Law is a exercise in communication between authority and the public. 法律是当权者与大众之间进行交流的一种运作方式。 17.Law is anordinanceof reason for the common good. 法律是维护公众利益的理性条令。 18.Law is anutterancedetermined by the common consent of the commonwealth. 法律是全体公民一致同意所决定意见之表达。 19.Law is both an instrument of change and a result of changes. 法律既是变革的工具又是诸多变革的结果。 20.Law is established for the benefit of man. 法是为人类利益而制定的。 21.Law is law, just or not. 无论正义与否,法律就是法律。 22.Law is mind without reason. 法律是无由的理念。 23.Law is order, and good law is good order. 法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序。 24.Law is thecrystalizationof the habit and thought of society. 法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。 25.Law is the science of what is good and just. 法乃善良公平之道。 26.Law must be stable and it cannot stand still. 法律必须保持稳定但却不能一成不变。 27.Law that isdeficientis better than law that is uncertain. 有瑕疵的法律胜于不确定的法律。 28.Laws are made to prevent the stronger from having the power to do everything. 法律旨在防止强者滥用权力为所欲为。 29.Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed. 法律过于温和难于遵守;过于严酷则难于执行。 30.No crime without law making it so; nopenaltywithout law making it so. 法无明文规定者不为罪,法无明文规定者不处罚。

Court 法庭

1.Ajudicialforumhas nothing to do with what is not before it. 法院不能主动寻找案件。 2.The court found the accused guilty on all charges. 法院裁定被告犯有所有被指控的罪行。 3.The court has made an order for specific performance. 法院已经作出强行履行裁定。 4.The court ordered the company's funds to be seized. 法院命令没收公司资金。 5.The court recorded an openverdicton the dead policeman. 法庭对警察死因不明的裁定做了记录。 6.The court returned a verdict of death bymisadventure. 法院裁定为意外事故死亡。 7.She was acting on the authority of the court. 她按法院给她的权利做事。 8.Six weekselapsedbefore the court order was put into effect. 法院命令六周以后才生效。 9.The court asked for details of the background to the case. 法院要求了解案件详细的背景情况。 10.The court asked the accused to show good cause why he should not be sent to prison. 法院让被告拿出他不应该被监禁的充足的理由。 11.The courtdismissedthe action. 法院驳回了诉讼。 12.The court extended thedefendant's time for serving his defense by fourteen days. 法院把被告送交警答辩状的时间延长了14天。 13.The court followed theprecedentset in 1926. 该法庭遵循1926年的先例。 14.The court granted the company a two-week stay ofexecution. 法院准予公司延缓两周执行。 15.The court heard evidence from afingerprintexpert. 法院听取了指纹专家的证词。 16.The court held that there was no case to answer. 法院裁定无案件事实可辨。 17.The court is not competent to try the case. 该法院无权审理该案件。 18.The court orderedcertiorarifollowing judicial review,quashingthe order made by thejuvenilecourt. 在司法复审后,该法院命令调取卷宗,撤销了少年法庭的裁决。 19.The court ordered thebailiffsto seize his property because he has not paid his fine. 法院命令法警扣押他的财产,因为他没交纳罚款。 20.The court ordered the case to be retried. 法院命令重申此案。 21.The court's opinion was that the case should be heard inter parties as soon as possible. 法院的意见是该案应在双方当事人在场的情况下尽快审理。 22.The court recorded apleaof not guilty. 法院对无罪抗辩作了记载。 23.The court took the view that the defendant's plea wasequivocal. 法院认为被告的答辩是模棱两可的。 24.The court will decide on theadmissibilityof the evidence. 法院将对证据的可采性进行裁决。 25.The Crown Court directed the justices to rehear the case. 刑事法院命令治安官重新审理该案。 26.The decision of the court runs counter to the advice of the clerk to the justice. 法庭的裁决与法官书记员的意见相悖。 27.The granting of aninjunctionis at thediscretionof the court. 强制令的签发属于法院的自由裁量权。 28.Thetribunaldecided against awarding any damages. 仲裁庭裁定不给予任何损害赔偿。 29.The tribunal should act in good faith. 仲裁庭必须公正执法。 30. The tribunal's ruling has established a precedent. 仲裁庭的裁定确立了一个先例。
