
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-04-28 15:40:10 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

钟南山、李兰娟院士团队近日分别从新冠肺炎患者的粪便样本中分离出新型冠状病毒,这一发现证实了排出的粪便中的确存在活病毒,对于准确认识疾病的致病传播机理,帮助全社会有针对性地做好防控,切断疫情传播途径具有重要意义。 2月8日,武汉青山区红钢城街社区医疗中心的护士在隔离病房忙碌。(图片来源:中国日报网) Researchers from multiple organizations, including the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease under Guangzhou Medical University, have successfully isolated a strain of virus from swab sample of an infected patient's feces, said Zhao Jincun, a member of Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan's research group, at a press conference Thursday. 钟南山院士团队专家、呼吸疾病国家重点实验室副主任赵金存教授介绍,广州医科大学呼吸疾病国家重点实验室等多个研究机构的研究人员,从一例新冠肺炎患者的粪便拭子标本中分离到一株新型冠状病毒。 The swab sample was provided by the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, said Zhao, also a professor with the laboratory. 该样本是由珠海中山大学附属第五医院提供的粪便拭子标本。 Meanwhile, a research team led by Li Lanjuan, a renowned Chinese epidemiologist, also isolated novel coronavirus strains from stool specimens of infected patients. Three of the five feces samples tested positive, according to Wu Nanping, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Zhejiang University. 我国知名病毒学家李兰娟院士团队近日也同样从患者粪便样本中分离到病毒。浙江大学传染病诊治国家重点实验室副主任吴南屏教授介绍,研究人员从5份粪便样本中分离到了3份新型冠状病毒阳性。 赵金存表示,这个发现证实了排出的粪便的确存在活病毒,不过目前还没有充分的证据说明存在粪口传播(fecal-oral transmission)。 国家卫生健康委新闻发言人、宣传司副司长米锋表示: Transmission through means of respiratory and contact remain the major routes of the novel coronavirus spreading. Despite digestive tract problems of some patients, either as incipient symptoms or complications, the main clinical symptoms of the disease are fever, general weakness and dry cough, Mi said, adding that the coronavirus isolated from patients' feces is not yet illustrative to prove the change of the transmission route. 不管患者消化道症状是初发症状还是并发症状,发热、乏力、干咳仍然是最重要的临床表现。粪便中分离到病毒并不意味着该病主要传播途径发生变化,仍为呼吸道和接触传播为主。 Mi said that stomach and intestine symptoms, such as diarrhea, of some patients in the early stages, the positive test for the coronavirus nucleic acid in feces samples of patients and the isolated virus from patients' feces samples indicate the proliferation of the virus can happen in the digestive tract after infection. 部分病例早期的症状中有腹泻等胃肠道的症状,患者粪便的标本中核酸检测阳性或分离到病毒,提示感染新冠病毒后,病毒在消化道内也可以增殖。 注意个人和家庭卫生 米锋表示,戴好口罩和做好手卫生(wearing masks and keeping hands clean)是最重要、最有效的防护措施,坚持勤洗手、规范洗手和手消毒(washing hands more frequently, in the right way and disinfection of hands),可以从根本上减少感染风险。 吴南屏建议:大家注意公共卫生,多洗手、吃熟食,食物要洗净烧透(make sure that food is thoroughly cleaned and well cooked),注意个人卫生及必要的污水处理(sewage treatment)。 赵金存表示,提醒大家要更加重视个人和家庭的清洁,如便后洗手,注意下水道的通畅(make sure the plumbing system run smoothly),以避免有可能出现的粪便病毒的传播。 【相关词汇】 拭子样本 swap sample 粪便样本 stool specimen 粪口传播 fecal-oral transmission 传播途径 transmission route