
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-25 17:01:04 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 上海商务翻译公司中英文翻译公司上海中英文翻译公司




Party A :International Investment ( Beijing) Company Ltd.


Party B : Consultation Company Ltd.



Party A is a financial investment service company established in Mainland China, professional in providing investment advisory services for medium or small size corporation investors, acting as an investment agent, assisting in investment management and providing IPO consultation services.

(译注:IPO的全称是initial public offer,即“首次公开发行”,指股份公司首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式。)


Party B’s major operation in Great Britain, Hong Kong and China are as follows;


Corporation Strategy Advisory Services : core base are in UK and China to provide advisory services for worldwide financial investment, business merger and acquisition, capital market and stock market, financial and legal matters, strategic business development and investment.


Company or Representation Office registration in UK. annual checking & renewal, finance and accounting serves, trusty management, etc.


UK company resources : professional company secretary, business co-ordination activities, specific project management, free virtual office, business support accessory services (such as specific call pick-up services, UK Call transfer, office spaces, company administrative management), legal advisory services.

国际商务礼仪培训(英国、中国)International Business Courtesy Training (UK, China)

伦敦商务考察团London Business Investigation Program.

英国及欧洲市场调查UK and Europe Market Research


Bahamas Project including immigration, property investment, tourism related investment and port investment, etc.


Through mutual discussion, with consideration of integration of both Parties’ competitive advantages for international business development, Party A and Party B has mutually agreed the following items for strategic co-operation alliance.

一、合作领域Co-operation Domain


Party A and Party B have agreed on the following co-operation (including but not limited to below stated items)


IPO Equity Financing : Party A will introduce the potential China Corporations to Party B for IPO in UK Stock Market (including Main Board and GEM Board).

(译注:GEM指:全球创业观察Globe Entrepreneurship Monitor)


Private Equity Fund Financing : Party B will introduce the UK Private Equity Fund to Party A for potential China Corporation.


Corporation Services : Party B will provide company registration and management services in UK to Party A’s introduced China Corporation who intends to setup the subsidiary company, branch office or independent corporation in UK. Party A will provide same sort of services in PRC to Party’s introduced UK Corporation who intends to setup the business entity or office in PRC.


Cultural and Economical Exchange Program : Party A and Party B will co-operate to organize various activities in UK and PRC for Financial Investment, Cultural and Economical Exchange Program and International-wise Business Development Conference.

二、合作方式Manner of Co-operation


Party B authorized Party A to act as the Representation Agent of Party B in Mainland China to perform the co-operation business.


Party A authorized Party B to act as the Representation Agent of Party B in UK to perform the co-operation business.


Both Parties will provide a bilingual translator for each other to take care both parties’daily operation and communication matters.


Both Parties will establish their own representation office and provide call transfer and pick-up services. Both Parties will mutually develop periodical management communication system to ensure smooth development of co-operation business.


Both Parties will recognize another party as the strategic partner in its own territory and strive for the successful on co-operation business.


Both Parties agreed, in this agreement validity period, one party can use another party’s legally licensed documents and legally authorized wordings, sound tracks and pictures, etc, resources. If another party uses these kind of resources in her own website, the source of information should be clearly stated.


Regarding the expenses and profit sharing for the Business Investigation program and specific co-operation project, both parties will resolve it in another agreement.

三、合作承诺:Co-operation Commitment


Both Parties agreed the co-operation are built up on foundation of friendly co-operation, closely support, mutually respect and co-learning base. Both Parties will objectively recognize the Eastern and Western cultural difference, learning the best parts from each other, striking for the best harmonic development.


Both Parties agreed to work deliberately with integrity, operate legally and be responsible for individual’s own duty.\


Both Parties fully recognize that this agreement only serves as a framework of co-operation. For the details of individual co-operation project, another independent agreement will be agreed and signed


For the matters not covering in this agreement, both parties will mutually discuss .


This Agreement is valid fromto. Upon expiry, both Parties will discuss about the renewal issue.


This Agreement is written in both Chinese and English language in two copies, each Party having one copy. It will be legally valid after stamp and sign.

甲方Party A:乙方Party B:

