
Press Releases

并购常用文件清单|有资质的翻译公司|精准的并购常用文件翻译 |学习并购常用文件翻译技巧|上海瑞科翻译公司

作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-25 17:01:09 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 上海有资质翻译公司上海有资质的翻译公司上海瑞科翻译公司


List of completion documents: Acquisition of a target company by the buyer name from the seller

一个Preliminary documents初步文件

1.Confidentiality letter/agreement保密函/保密协议

2.Exclusivity letter/agrement排他函/排他协议

3.Letter of Intent意向书

4.Documentation request list for legal due diligence/Due diligence 尽职调查文件清单,尽职调查问卷

5.(Virtual) data room rules(虚拟)数据室规则

二Principaliplal documents主要文件

1.Share Purchase Agreement股权收购协议

[2.][[Agreement of allocation of liabilities]]【债务分配协议】

[3.][Information Memorandum][信息备忘录]

[4.][Auction Process Letter]【拍卖程序函】

[5.][Escrow Agreement]【托管协议】

三Finance documents/matters金融文件/事项

[1.][Loan documentation][贷款记录]


3.Financing arrangement documents融资安排文件

4.New bank mandates新银行委托书

5.Bank certificates, cash book balances and reconciliations银行信用证明、现金账面余额和对账单

6.Company cheque book公司支票簿

8.Company principal accounts公司主要账户

四Due diligence reports/consents尽职调查报告/同意书

1.Legal due diligence report法律尽职调查报告

2.Financial/accountants' due 尽职调查diligence财务/会计人员

3.Certificate of title/report on 产权证书/产权报告

[4,][Insurance, environmental reports]【保险、环境报告】

[6.][Applications and consents from MOFCOM or its branch, or other competition authorities]【向商务部、地方商务主管部门或其他竞争主管部门提交的申请书及同意书】

[7.][Documents for any shareholder approval, ie notice of general meeting, resolutions etc]【股东大会通知、股东决议等股东批准文件】


1.Pre-emption waiver/consent letter优先购买权弃权书/同意函

2.Stock transfer application (to be executed or stamped)股票转让申请(待签字或盖章)

3.Share certificates/ capital contribution certificate股权证书/出资证书

4.Power of Attorney (executing documents)授权委托书(签署文件)

5.Power of Attorney (voting on shares pending registration)授权委托书(表决登记中的股份)

6.Board minutes (approving/completion board meetings)—Seller董事会会议记录(批准/结束董事会会议-卖方

7.Board minutes (approving/completion board meetings)—Buyer董事会会议记录(批准/结束董事会会议)-买方

8.Board minutes (approving/completion board meetings)—target 目标集团董事会会议决议(批准/结束董事会会议)

9.Letters of resignation of directors and/or secretary董事和/或秘书辞任函

10.Letter of resignation of auditors审计师辞任函

11.Employment documents录用文件

12.Service/consultancy Agrement服务/咨询顾问协议

13.General meeting documentation (ie when replacing/altering articles of association etc)股东大会文件(如公司章程修订/变更时)

六Company Registration Documents公司注册文件

1.Business Licenses, articles of association, permits and other registration documents(current and historical)营业执照、公司章程、许可证及其他注册文件(当前及历史文件)

2.[resolutions to be filed at relevant registration departments, ie change of name, increase in registered capital, alteration of articles of association etc]【公司名称变更、增资、公司章程变更等决议提交有关登记主管部门】

3.Documents to be kept on record(change of registered office, appointment of new director/supervisor/senior executives, change of accounting reference date)备案文件(变更注册地址、任命新董事/监事/高级管理人员、变更会计参考日)

4.Director/secretary's resignation 董事/秘书辞任函

5.Documents related to any mortgage or charge on the assets of the company公司资产抵押担保相关文件
