
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-26 14:52:48 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 上海资料翻译公司中英文翻译公司上海英文翻译公司



第一章 总则Chapter 1General Provisions

第二章 经营目的和规模Chapter 2Business Purpose & Scale

第三章 投资总额,投资比例及资本转让

Chapter 3Total Investment, Investment Proportion & Capital Transfer

第四章 利润分配和亏损负担Chapter 4Profit & Loss Distribution

第五章 公司各方的责任Chapter 5Responsibilities of Each Party To The Company

第六章 董事会Chapter 6Board of Directors

第七章 经营管理机构Chapter 7Business Management Offices

第八章 劳动管理Chapter 8Labor Management

第九章 设备、原材料和配件的采购

Chapter 9Purchase of Equipments, Raw Materials & Spares

第十章 税务、财务及审计Chapter 10Tax, Finance & Audition

第十一章 保 险Chapter 11Insurance

第十二章 公司期限及正常终止Chapter 12Duration & Termination of The Company

第十三章 合同的修改、变更与终止

Chapter 13Amendment, Alteration & Termination of Contract

第十四章 违约责任Chapter 14Liability for Breach of Contract

第十五章 不可抗力Chapter 15Force Majeure

第十六章 适用法律Chapter 16Applicable Law

第十七章 争议的解决Chapter 17Settlement of Disputes

第十八章 合同的生效及其它Chapter 18Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous

第一章 总则Chapter 1General Provisions

以Raphael Matthew Naibala Lukumay先生(ID号码)为代表的公司和中国商人先生,根据坦桑尼亚的法律法规,本着平等互利的原则,通过友好协商,同意在坦桑尼亚共同投资举办合资经营企业,特订立本合同。

In accordance with the laws and regulations in Tanzania, Company with Mr.(ID No.) as the representative, and Chinese businessmen Mr.and Mr., in light of the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly invest to set up a joint venture enterprise in Tanzania.

1.1.合同各方如下:Parties of this Contract are as follows:

甲方:The Party A:


The Pary B: Mr. Lin Yiguo (Passport No.), address:


The Party C: Mr. Wang Zhoujun (Passport No.), address:

1.2.合资公司的名称及法定地址Name and legal address of the joint venture


Name of the joint venture is CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CO., LTD.(herein after called“the Company”)

法定地址:Legal address:


The Company shall, as needed, establish offices and branches in other locations in the country and abroad.


The Company and all its activities shall be governed by the laws, regulations and pertinent rules of Tanzania which protect the Company as well.


The Organization form of the Company is a limited liability company. The Company is liable within the limit of all its assets.Each party to the Company is liable to the Company within the limit of the capital subscribed by it.

第二章 经营目的和规模Chapter 2Business Purpose & Scale


Business purpose: To manufacture, produce, sell, distribute, or otherwise deal with or do any other things in respect of such products including gravel products, red bricks, air bricks, compound-material draining well covers, marbles, ceramic tiles, sanitary apparatus, pipes and taps, and be the sub-agencies of the above products.

2.2.生产规模:年产石子10万方以上Business scale: Above 100,000 m3 gravels/year.

第三章 投资总额,投资比例及资本转让

Chapter 3Total Investment, Investment Proportion & Capital Transfer


The Company’s actual total investment is U.S. Dollars 1,600,000 (say, one million and sixty hundred thousand only).


The Company’s registered capital is U.S. Dollars 300,000 (say, three hundred thousand only), among which the Party A shall pay by its land (details of the land, 50% payment), accounting for 20%, the Party B shall pay, accounting for 40%, the Party C shall pay, accounting for 40%.


Any increase, assignment or other forms of treatments of the registered capital of the Company shall be approved by the board of directors.


In case any Party to the Company intends to assign all or part of his investment subscribed to a third party, consent shall be obtained from the other Parties to the Company. When one Party to the Company assigns all or part of his investment, the other Parties has preemptive right.



The Company can obtain loans and borrowings from home and abroad to make up for the balance between the registered capital and the total investment amount or as circulating fund for production.

None of the Parties shall be allowed to mortgage any part of the investment to a third party unless and otherwise consent had been obtained from the board of directors.

第四章 利润分配和亏损负担Chapter 4Profit & Loss Distribution


In the condition that the Party B’s invested capital has been refunded, the profits, after paying the taxes in accordance with Tanzanian tax laws and drawing reserve funds, pension funds and bonus funds as decided by the board of directors, will be distributed according to the proportion of every Party's investment in the registered capital. The losses of the Company shall be shared by the Parties in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.


The Company shall distribute its profits annually according to the profits distribution proposal prepared by the general manager of the Company.

第五章 公司各方的责任Chapter 5Responsibilities of Each Party To The Company


Before the formal operation of the Company, the Parties shall be respectively responsible for the following matters:

5.1.甲方责任:Responsibilities of the Party A:


Conducting and assisting the money supply in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3;


Handling of applications for approval, registration, business license and other matters concerning the establishment of the Company from relevant departments in Charge;

办理申请取得土地使用权的手续;Processing the application for the right to the use of a site;

办理采矿证书;Processing the Mining License;


The Party A shall obtain the right to the use of a site and the Mining License in no less than days after the issuing of the business license. In the case that the Party A cannot obtain the right to the use of a site and the Mining License on time, the economical loss of the Party B and the Party C shall be covered by the Party A;


Assisting the organizing of the design and construction of the workshops and other engineering facilities of the Company;


Processing import customs declaration for the equipments, raw materials and spares and arranging the transportation within the Tanzanian territory;


Contacting and settling the fundamental facilities such as water, electricity, transportation etc.;


Applying for all possible duty incentives, tax incentives and other benefits or preferential treatments;

公司招聘坦桑尼亚雇员;Recruiting Tanzanian employees needed;


Handling of foreign employees’ entry visas, work licenses and residential documents, etc;


Responsible for handling other matters entrusted by the Company.

5.2.乙方、丙方责任:Responsibilities of the Party B and the Party C:

按第三章规定出资;Providing money in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3;


Providing technology and method of product design and manufacture, managing method of production and quality control, factory design, reconstruction, organization and installation and repair method for equipments;


Selecting and purchasing equipments and raw materials outside Tanzania, as entrusted by the Company;


The Parties shall be responsible for other matters entrusted by the Company after its formal operation.


The Party A shall not participate in the production management of the Company but only supervise and assist the finance and sales of the Company.

第六章 董事会Chapter 6Board of Directors


The highest authority of the Company shall be its board of directors. It shall decide all major issues concerning the Company. The board of directors is composed of three directors, of which one shall be appointed by the Party A, one by the Party B and one by the Party C. The chairman of the board of directors shall be appointed by the Party B.The term of office for the directors and chairman is five years. Their term of office may be renewed if continuously appointed by the relevant Party.


Power, responsibility, resolution procedure and the calling of the meeting of directors shall be governed by the Articles of Association of the Company.

第七章 经营管理机构Business Management Offices

7.1.公司实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制,设总经理一人,由林以国先生(护照号码)担任,副总经理两人,由Raphael Matthew Naibala Lukumay先生(ID号码)及王舟君先生(护照号码)担任。

The Company employs a general-manager-in-charge method under the leading of the board of directors. There shall be one general manager and two deputy general managers. The General Manager of the Company shall be Mr. Lin Yiguo (Passport No.). The Deputy General Managers of the Company are Mr. Raphael Matthew Naibala Lukumay (I.D. No.) and Mr. Wang Zhoujun (Passport No.).


The responsibility of the general manager is to carry out the resolutions of the board of directors and organize and conduct the daily management of the Company. The deputy general managers shall assist the general manager in his work.


For the Company’s business, department managers shall be appointed to be responsible of works in various departments respectively and handle the matters handed over by the general manager and deputy general managers and shall be responsible to them.


The general manager and deputy general managers shall be appointed by the chairman of the board of directors. Department managers shall be appointed by the general manager.

第八章 劳动管理Labor Management


The employment, penalties, dismissal of the Company’s employees and their contract duration, wages, welfare, labor protection, labor insurance and labor regulations shall be regulated by related laws and regulations in Tanzania and the labor contract signed by the Company and the individual employees.


The salary, welfare and other concerned issues of the high-ranking administrative and technical personnel shall be decided by the meeting of the board of directors.


In case of industrial accidents to the employees, the Company, in due course, shall pay for related surgical, medical and hospital service fees as well as the compensation.

第九章 设备、原材料和配件的采购Purchase of Equipments, Raw Materials & Spares


The Company shall be in charge of the purchase of the following items for production and business operation: raw materials, fuel, parts, means of transportation and articles for office use, etc.


For the purchase of the above mentioned items, first priority shall be given to purchase in China where conditions are the same.

第十章 税务、财务及审计Chapter 10Tax, Finance & Audition


The Company shall pay taxes in accordance with the provisions of Tanzanian laws and other relative regulations. Employees of the Company shall pay individual income tax according to the tax laws of Tanzania.


The financial system of the Company shall be established in light of the provisions of Tanzanian laws and regulations and the Company’s actual conditions.


The Company shall open Tan Schilling accounts and foreign currency accounts in banks in Tanzania, or open accounts in other approved and appointed banks abroad.


The fiscal year of the Company shall be the same with that of the Tanzanian government, i.e., from July 1 to June 30 the next year.


All vouchers, receipts, statistic statements and reports shall be written in Chinese and English.


Financial checking and examination of the Company shall be conducted by an auditor once a year and the expenses thereof shall be borne by the Company.


In the first month of each fiscal year, the general manager shall prepare the previous year’s balance sheet, profit and loss statement and proposal regarding the disposal of profits, and submit them to the board of directors for examination and approval.

第十一章 保 险Chapter 11Insurance


Upon the establishment of the Company, the general manager and the deputy general managers shall raise an insurance plan for the Company to the board of directors. Types, value and duration of insurance shall be decided by the board of directors.


Expenses for the insurance shall be borne by the Company.

第十二章 公司期限及终止Chapter 12Duration & Termination of The Company


The duration of the Company is 25 years. The establishment date of the Company shall be the date on which the business license of the Company is issued. The Company goes to automatic termination after the expiry date.


An application for the extension of the duration, proposed by one Party and unanimously approved by the board of directors, shall be submitted to the original examination and approval authority six months prior to the expiry date of the Company.


Upon the expiration of the duration, or termination before the date of expiration of the Company, liquidation shall be carried out according to the applicable laws and the Articles of Association of the Company.

第十三章 合同的修改、变更与终止

Chapter 13Amendment, Alteration & Termination of Contract


The amendment, alteration and termination of the contract shall come into force only after a written agreement has been signed by all Parties and examined and approved by the original examination and approval authority.


In the following conditions, one Party has the right to announce the termination of the Contract to the other Parties:


In case of inability to continue operation due to heavy losses in successive years; or inability to fulfill the Contract as a result of force majeure.


Should the Company be unable to continue its operation or achieve its business purpose due to the fact that one or some of the contracting Parties fail to fulfill the obligations prescribed by the Contract, or seriously violates the provisions of the Contract, that Party or those Parties shall be deemed to have unilaterally terminated the Contract. The other Parties shall have the right to terminate the Contract in accordance with the provisions of the Contract after approval by the original examination and approval authority, and to claim damages.


Unless and otherwise approved by other Parties in written agreement, any contractual Party shall not assign the rights and obligations in this Contract to a third party. Any contract assigned by any means, violating the above regulation, shall be of no effect.

第十四章 违约责任Chapter 14Liability for Breach of Contract


Should all or part of the Contract be unable to be fulfilled owing to the fault of one Party, the Party in breach shall bear the liability therefore. Should it be the fault of Parties, they shall bear their respective liabilities according to the actual situation.

第十五章 不可抗力Chapter 15Force Majeure


Should one or some of the Parties to the Contract be prevent from executing the Contract or executing the Contract on time by force majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war or other unforeseen events, and their occurrence and consequences are unpreventable and unavoidable, the prevented Party or Parties shall not be treated as violate the Contract if the following conditions are all met:




Force majeure is the direct reason of the prevention, obstruction or delaying of the fulfillment of the Contract by the influenced Party or Parties;

The influenced Party or Parties, upon the occurrence of the force majeure, took proper measures in time.

The influenced Party or Parties, when being influenced, informed other Parties immediately, and within 15 days thereafter provide written information of the events and processing situations as well as reasons of the delay or failure to execute this Contract. A document for evidence issued by the relevant organizations of the place where the events occurred is required.


The influenced Party or Parties, upon the overcoming of the events or the ending of the processing, shall inform other Parties immediately.

第十六章 适用法律Chapter 16Applicable Law


The formation, validity, interpretation, execution in respect of this Contract shall be governed by the relevant laws of Tanzania.


Should no Tanzanian law is applicable on certain matters, international consuetude shall be followed.

第十七章 争议的解决Chapter 17Settlement of Disputes



All disputes, controversies, or differences which may arise out of or in relation to or in connection with this Contract, which cannot be settled by negotiations between the Parties, shall be finally settled and therefore acted with equivalent sanction to all parties by Tanzanian arbitration institutions or other arbitration institutions agreed by the Parties.

In case that the arbitral award in not satisfying to any Parties, law suit to the local court may be conducted.


Unless and otherwise additional terms specified by the arbitration institution, all costs and expenses of the arbitration proceedings shall be borne by the losing Party or Parties.


During the arbitration, all other parts excluding terms in arbitration shall still be executed as per the Contract.

第十八章 合同的生效及其它Chapter 18Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous


This Contract signed by the authorized representatives of the three Parties shall come into force commencing from the date of.


This contract is signed in ______, by the authorized representatives of the Party A, the Party B and the Party C on _________ .


This Contract is written in both Chinese and English with equal effects. In the event of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

甲方签字Signature of the Party A

乙方签字Signature of the Party B

丙方签字Signature of the Party C
