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作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-26 14:53:11 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 上海医学翻译公司英语翻译公司英语文档翻译公司



1 长句、难句



1.1 长句和难句的分析方法


例一: An immediate practical problem in dealing with a patient who is thought to have viral meningitisis to exclude the presence of leptospirosis or a bacterial infection that might be susceptible to antimicrobial therapy.翻译:在治疗被认为是病毒性脑膜炎患者时,一个迫切的实际问题是消除细螺旋体病或可能对抗菌治疗敏感的细菌感染。

说明:翻译这句话的要点是识别主语是problem,谓语部分是is to exclude...,而in dealing...短语是定语,修改problem,包含who引导的定语从句,修改a patient,that在谓语句中 might be...是定语从句,装饰infection。例二:Women with fibroid tumors usually have no knowledge of their presence until the tumor gets so large that there is a sense of heaviness in the lower abdomen, or until they are conscious of frequent urination from pressure on the bladder or until pressure on the rectum causes obstinate constipation.有子宫纤维瘤的妇女,通常直到肿瘤长得很大,下腹感觉很重,或者直到膀胱压力引起的尿频,或者直到直肠压力引起的顽固性便秘,才知道子宫内有肿瘤。

说明:①这句话的主谓语部分是Women...have no knowledge of their presence。②that there is a sense of heaviness in the lower abdomen是由从属连接词that和前副词so连用引导的结果状语从句;③until the tumor gets..., until they are conscious..., until pressure on the rectum causes...,由三个从属连接词until引导的并列时间状语从句。

例三: A review of 113 bacteriologically proven cases of meningococcemia at the Royal Children’s Hospital from 1990 to 2003, confirmed the prognostic value of these criteria of DIC ( disseminated infravascular coagulation),so accurate that those cases with more than three of these features present were associated with a very high mortality.翻译:回顾1990~2003年皇家儿童医院113例脑膜炎球菌血症被细菌学证实后,弥漫性血管下凝血诊断指标的预后价值得到证实。这些指标如此准确,以至于符合三项以上的人死亡率较高。这些指标如此准确,以至于符合三项以上的人死亡率较高。

说明:①主语、谓语、宾语分别为: a review, confirmed, the prognostic value;②主语和谓语之间的of介词短语作定语,修改a review;③宾语后的of短语也作定语,修改value ;④so... 结果状语从句由that引出,其中those 以cases为主语, were associated with是谓语, 以with短语为定语,修改cases。

1. 2 长句 、翻译难句的方法


1. 2. 1 顺译法


例:Due to the deposit left by evaporating perspiration, the collection of oily, and adhering dirt, it is necessary to clean the skin regularly.经常清洁皮肤是必要的,因为汗液蒸发留下的沉积物、油性皮脂物质的聚集和粘附的污垢。

1.2.2 逆译法


例: The information thus obtained is of no value unless the physician is familiar with the ways in which various maladies affect the body to be able to select and correlate the pertinent facts in any given case and to recognize the clinical pictures which they indicate.


1.2.3 分译法


例: A woman aged 29 was see n four weeks after a third uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery with a-week history of lower back pain.29岁的女性病人,第三次怀孕和分娩没有并发症,下背部疼痛持续一周。

2 被动句


2.1 保留被动句的主语,将被动谓语翻译成主动谓语

例一:Children a re more often afflicted than adults, and epidemics in schools and institutions are commonly observed.儿童比成年人更容易生病,这种疾病在学校和福利院很常见。

例二: A t least five million Americans are being treated for diabetes, and another five million will develop it sometime in their lives.至少500万美国人正在接受糖尿病治疗,而500万人迟早会在他们的生活中患上这种疾病。

2.2 将被动语态主语翻译成宾语,即汉语无主语句

例一:Much has been learnt about their clinical features, course and prognosis.翻译:对其临床特征、病程和预后有详细的了解。

例二: This method is preferred in a patient with a bleeding tendency since the periphery of a cauterized area may begin to bleed.由于烧灼区周围可能会再次出血,这种方法适用于有出血倾向的患者。

2. 3 补充一个合适的主语,将原句的主语翻译成宾语

例一: In this investigation, thirty adolescent and young adults were interviewed between eight and twenty years after they had attended a children’s hospital with the main complaint of recurrent abdominal pain.翻译:在本次调查中,作者访问了30人,8人出院了~20年的青少年和青少年因反复腹痛住在儿童医院。

例二: It has long been known that adequate amounts of ascorbate are essential for the proper healing of wounds and to enhance the defensive mechanisms against bacterial infection.译文:很久 人们已经知道,适量的抗坏血酸盐对创伤的充分愈合和增强细菌感染的防御机制是极其必要的。

2. 4 把by、以with或其他介词为导向的状语翻译成主语,


例一: Prevention of such disease as diphtheria, smallpox, poliomyelitis and measles has been accomplished by active immunization.主动免疫可以预防白喉、天花、小儿麻痹、麻疹等疾病。

例二: Pain may be treated with drugs, physical measures or surgery.药物、物理疗法或手术可以治疗疼痛。

2. 5 按原文被动语态顺着翻译,不加任何单词

例一: This term was used to include all the diseases of the lungs due to the inhalation of various kinds of dust.本术语用于指吸入各种灰尘引起的所有肺部疾病。

例二: A patient was not considered to be afebrile until all temperatures recorded sequentially for 48 hours were less than 37.2℃.当体温连续记录在48小时内低于37.2℃时,患者被认为没有发烧。

2. 6 It将“形式主语”  被动结构  “根据that从句”翻译成“根据”⋯⋯”“、众所周知”等等

例一: It has been reported that electrical stimulation of this region in animals induces sleep.


例二: It is well known that disease might be communicated from one individual to another.


