
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-05-04 15:45:25 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

在这个法制时代里,法律意识已经人人具备了,所以合同对于我们而言也是再熟悉不过的了。各行各业,没有一件事情可以脱离合同的约束,大到几十亿的项目合作合同,小到每个人在工作时签署的劳动合同。正因为如此,再加上现如今国际贸易的热门化,合同翻译成为了每家翻译公司的最重要的业务之一。合同翻译属于法律范围内的文件翻译,因此具有很多专业性的词汇和语句,这些都是一名优秀的合同翻译工作者平时应该掌握和积累的基础知识。这里,给大家整理了一些合同翻译中常用到的词汇,供大家参考。 法人资格 corporate capacity 法人的权利能力 legal capacity of juristic person 监护人:guardian 附带的条件 incident 必然因果关系positive causal relationship 补充规定supplementary provision 补救办法remedial measures 个体工商户:individual businesses 法人的责任能力 capacity for responsibility of juristic person 工商行政管理机关:the administrative agency for industry and commerce 公民基本义务 fundamental duties of citizens 合同规定 contract provisions/stipulations 合同有效期contract life 负全部责任 bear all responsibilities; in all charge 负有连带义务的每个债务人:each of the joint debtors 合同正本 originals of the contract 核准登记的经营范围:within the range approved and registered 居民委员会:the neighborhood committee 履行监护职责:fulfill duty of guardianship 比较法学派school of comparative jurisprudence 比较刑法comparative penal law 比较刑法学comparative penal jurisprudence 超出法律权限的 extralegal 超过权限 exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction 成文法 written law 传统法律观念 traditional ideas of law 纯粹法学 pure theory of law 平等主体:civil subjects with equal status 企业法人被撤销:the dissolution of an enterprise as legal person 企业法人分立、合并:the division and merger of an enterprise as legal person 取得不当得利:profits acquired improperly and without a lawful basis 附带要求 contingent claim 赋予权力 entitle 不履行法律义务non-performance of obligation 不因实效而丧失的权利impreible right 不作为abstain from an act; act of omission 部门法department law 取得法人资格:be qualified as a legal person 全民所有制企业:an enterprise owned by the whole people 让与 alien; alienate; assign; cede 按照法律规定according to law 按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit 按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt 案例教学法case system 案例汇编case book; case report; law report 埋藏物、隐藏物:buried or concealed object 农村承包经营户:leaseholding farm households 次要规则 secondary rule 从宽解释原则 doctrine of liberal construction 从权利 accessory right 被视为be deemed as 被宣布为非法be outlawed; be declared illegal 比较法comparative law 比较法学comparative jurisprudence 不成文法unwritten law 不成文宪法unwritten constitution 不可抗力 force majuere 不可让与性inalienability 部门规章regulation 参照原文 consult the original 超出法律范围的 outside of law 冲突规则 conflict rule; rule of conflict 除(本法)另有规定外 except for otherwise stipulated (by this law) 触犯公共利益 encroach on the public interests 次要法规 by law 大法 the fundamental law 大法官 Lord High Chancellor 以上内容就是给大家分享的常用到的词汇,赶快收藏起来吧!