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作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-05-04 15:45:28 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

原则一:Syntactic linear循句驱动 1. 英文原文: Drawing on those reports and the early reactions of Member States, as well as my own conviction that our work must be based on respect for human rights, I put forward six months ago a balanced set of proposals for decisions at this summit. 十原则口译参考: 根据这些报告和会员国的早期反应,并根据我自己的信念,我们的工作必须以尊重人权为基础,我在六个月前向会员国推出了一套均衡的提案,供这次首脑会议决策。 2. 英文原文: Members will agree to establish a peace building commission, backed by a support office and a fund. That will mark a new level of strategic commitment to one of the most important contributions the United Nations makes to international peace and security. 十原则口译参考: 成员们将同意建立一个和平建设委员会,并配备辅助办公室和基金。这将是一个新层次的战略承诺,也是联合国为国际和平与安全所作的最重要的贡献之一。 3. 英文原文: What is more, humanity today is confident of the values it shares. Give people the chance and they will always vote for freedom, always prefer tolerance to prejudice, never willingly accept the suppression of human rights and governance by extremism. 十原则口译参考: 更有甚者,当今人类对其共同价值充满信心。只要给人民机会,他们将始终为自由而投票,始终选择容忍而不是偏见,决不会自愿接受对人权的压制和极端主义的统治。 4. 英文原文: It must give leadership on terrorism. There is not and never can be any justification, any excuse, any cause that accepts the random slaughter of the innocent. Wherever it happens, whoever is responsible, we stand united in condemnation. 十原则口译参考: 它必须领导反恐。不存在也决不能有任何理由、任何借口和任何事业让人们接受滥杀无辜。不管在哪里发生,凶手是谁,我们都要共同谴责。 5. 英文原文: At this moment, men and women along my country’s Gulf coast are recovering from one of the worst natural disasters in American history. Many have lost homes, loved ones and all their earthly possessions. In Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, whole neighborhoods have been lifted from their foundations and sent crashing into the streets.十原则口译参考: 十原则口译参考: 我们开会之际正值美国和世界面临巨大的挑战之时。此刻,我国海湾沿岸的男男女女正在从美国历史上最严重的一次自然灾害中恢复。许多人失去家园、亲人、以及所拥有的一切。在阿拉巴马、密西西比和路易斯安那,整个的居民区被彻底摧毁,满街废墟一片。 6. 英文原文: We have worked together to help break up terrorist networks that cross borders and to root out radical cells within our borders. We have eliminated terrorist sanctuaries. We are using our diplomatic and financial tools to cut off their financing and drain them of support. And as we fight, the terrorists must know that the world stands united against them. 十原则口译参考: 我们共同努力,帮助瓦解跨国恐怖网络和摧毁本国境内的激进基层组织。我们清除了恐怖分子的庇护所。我们正运用外交和财政手段切断他们的财源,断绝他们得到支援的渠道。我们正在与恐怖分子进行斗争,他们必须明白,全世界团结一致共同对敌。 7. 英文原文: For many countries, AIDS, malaria and other diseases are both humanitarian tragedies and significant obstacles to development. We must give poor countries access to the emergency lifesaving drugs they need to fight those infectious epidemics. Through our bilateral programs and the Global Fund, the United States will continue to lead the world in providing the resources to defeat the plague of HIV/AIDS. 十原则口译参考: 对于许多国家而言,艾滋病、疟疾及其他疾病既是人道主义的悲剧,也是明显阻碍发展的绊脚石。我们必须为贫困国家提供他们所需的拯救生命的应急药物,帮助他们抗击这些传染病。通过我们的双边计划和全球基金(The Global Fund),美国将继续发挥主导作用,提供资源抗击艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的危害。 8. 英文原文: Doha is an important step towards a larger goal: we must tear down the walls that separate the developed and developing worlds. We need to give the citizens of the poorest nations the same ability to access the world economy that people of wealthy nations have, so that they can offer their goods and talents on the world market alongside everyone else. We need to ensure that they have the same opportunities to pursue their dreams, provide for their families and live lives of dignity and self-reliance. 十原则口译参考: 多哈谈判是朝一个更大目标迈进的重要一步:我们必须拆除隔离发达国家和发展中国家的篱墙。我们必须使最贫穷国家的公民有同样的能力,享受富有国家人民享受的世界经济的好处,这样他们就能在世界市场上与所有其他人一样提供自己的商品和才能。我们需要确保他们拥有同样的机会追求他们的理想,供养他们的家庭,过上有尊严和自立的生活。 9. 英文原文: Democracy takes different forms in different cultures, yet all free societies have certain things in common. Democratic nations uphold the rule of law, impose limits on the power of the State and treat women and minorities as full citizens. Democratic nations protect private property, free speech and religious expression. Democratic nations grow in strength because they reward and respect the creative gifts of their people. And democratic nations contribute to peace and stability because they seek national greatness in the achievements of their citizens, not the conquest of their neighbors. 十原则口译参考: 民主在不同的文化中有着不同的形式,但所有的自由社会都有某些共同特点。民主国家坚持法治,约束国家权力,并让妇女和少数族裔享有全部公民权利。民主国家保护私有财产、言论自由和宗教言论。民主国家国力不断增强,因为他们奖励并尊重本国人民的聪明才智。民主国家为和平与稳定做出贡献,因为他们依靠本国公民所取得的成就来实现国家强盛,不对邻国强取豪夺。 10. 英文原文: This meeting has seen much discussion about aid levels, and I was pleased to announce earlier this week my Government’s goal to double its overseas aid allocation from 2004 levels to about $4 thousand million by 2010. 十原则口译参考: 本次会议大量地讨论了援助水平问题,我在本周初高兴地宣布了我国政府目标:将其海外援助拨款增加一倍,从2004 年的水平提高到2010 年前的40 亿美元。 11. 英文原文: That being said, our collective responsibility does not end there. I would have hoped that we could have now agreed to make the new Peacebuilding Commission operational. Building the peace is a huge undertaking, and to do it well, we need to bring order out of chaos. 十原则口译参考: 但即使这样说,我们的集体责任并不止于此。我本希望,我们现在已经能商定使新的和平建设委员会开始运作。建设和平是一个规模巨大的事业,为了能做得好,我们需要在混乱中建立秩序。 12. 英文原文: Our mandate in Montreal will be twofold: first, the signatories of the Kyoto accord must build on it by making further progress on the commitments already undertaken; then, in order to achieve genuine and substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, we must work on creating a global regime. 十原则口译参考: 我们在蒙特利尔的任务将是双重的:第一,京都协定签署国必须进一步努力,在已经作出的承诺上取得进一步的进展;此外,为了实际和大幅度减少温室气体排放,我们必须努力建立一个全球制度。 13. 英文原文: As leaders, we agreed to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS as well as the incidence of malaria and other major diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development. 十原则口译参考: 作为各国领导人,我们同意,将消除赤贫和饥饿,普及初级教育,促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力,降低儿童死亡率,改善产妇保健,遏制并且开始扭转艾滋病毒/艾滋病的蔓延以及疟疾和其他重大疾病的发病率,确保环境可持续性,建立全球发展伙伴关系。除实现这些目标外,像伯利兹这样的小国还必须找到有效办法,解决其他我们严重关切的问题,例如:我们社会的犯罪和暴力,易受自然灾害打击等问题。 14. 英文原文: The Doha round must also make significant progress towards creating an international trade regime that gives developing countries access to the globalized economy. 十原则口译参考: 多哈回合还必须在建立国际贸易体制方面取得巨大进展,给发展中国家进入全球经济的机会。 15. 英文原文: It is for that reason that Iceland is for the first time a candidate for a non-permanent seat on the Security Council for the term 2009-2010. 十原则口译参考: 正因如此,冰岛首次作为候选国,竞选安理会非常任理事国的席位,任期为2009-2010年。 16. 英文原文: However, it must also be said that lasting successes will be achieved only through developing countries’ own efforts, in particular, good governance and the implementation of rule-of-law principles. 十原则口译参考: 但是也必须指出,要想取得持久的成功,必须经过发展中国家的自身努力,尤其是实行善政和遵守法治原则。 17. 英文原文: Recent complex developments in the world give added urgency to the task of bridging the development gap and promoting equitable and sustainable development within and between countries with a view to rooting out the causes of instability in the world today. 十原则口译参考: 全世界近来的复杂变化,使我们的任务更为紧迫,即要消除发展差距,促进公平和可持续发展在国家内部和国家之间的实现,进而消除造成当今世界不稳定的原因。 18. 英文原文: Let us recall that a commitment to the ideals of freedom and humanism united the world’s nations in their joint fight against Nazism. 十原则口译参考: 让我们回顾,对自由和人性理想的承诺把世界各国团结起来,共同打击纳粹主义。 原则二:Noun to verb phrase or sentence名词变动词 1. 英文原文: The Organization remains fully engaged in conflict resolution, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, defense of human rights and development around the world. 十原则口译参考: 本组织仍然全力以赴,解决冲突、维持和平、提供人道主义援助、捍卫人权和促进全世界的发展。 2. 英文原文: Progress on development will be matched by commitments to good governance and national plans to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. 十原则口译参考: 发展会取得进展,同时还会承诺实施良治,并制订国家计划,以在2015 年底前实现千年发展目标。 3. 英文原文: For the international community, it means supporting those steps through wide-ranging global reforms; more and better aid; trade policies that give a fair chance to developing countries; more investment in the world’s poorest countries; 十原则口译参考: 就国际社会而言,这意味着通过广泛全球改革支持这些步骤;提供更多和更好的援助;制定给予发展中国家公平机会的贸易政策;更多地投资于世界上最贫穷的国家。 4. 英文原文: Developing countries agreed to take responsibility for their own economic progress through good governance, sound policies and the rule of law. Developed countries agreed to support those efforts, including increased aid to nations that undertake necessary reforms. 十原则口译参考: 发展中国家同意承担责任发展本国经济,这要通过良好的国家治理、健全的政策和法治。发达国家同意支持这些努力,其中包括增加援助给进行必要改革的国家。 5. 英文原文: Implementing the Monterrey Consensus means creating a genuine partnership between developed and developing countries to replace the donor-client relationship of the past;And implementing the Monterrey Consensus means welcoming all developing countries as full participants in the global economy, with all the requisite benefits and responsibilities. 十原则口译参考: 执行《蒙特雷共识》意味着继续沿着改革这条艰巨和漫长的道路走下去。执行《蒙特雷共识》意味着建立真诚的伙伴合作关系,沟通发达国家和发展中国家,取代过去援助与受援的关系。执行《蒙特雷共识》意味着欢迎所有发展中国家全面参与全球经济,享有所有必要的益处,同时承担所有的责任。 6. 英文原文: After committing America to the idea of the United Nations in 1945, President Franklin Roosevelt declared: “The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one nation.” Peace is the responsibility of every nation and every generation. 十原则口译参考: 在决定美国接受建立联合国的构想后1945 年富兰克林.罗斯福总统表示:“构筑世界和平绝非一人、一党、一国之功。” 维护和平是每一个国家和每一代人都肩负的重任。 7. 英文原文: Genuine and sustained poverty alleviation will only occur in an environment of good governance, private sector growth and respect for private-property ownership. 十原则口译参考: 要真正地可持续地做好扶贫工作,就必须要建立善政的环境、实现私营部门增长和尊重私人财产享有权。 8. 英文原文: In this context, Australia welcomes the establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission, and I am pleased to announce a contribution of $3 million over three years to its new Standing Fund. 十原则口译参考: 为此,澳大利亚欢迎建立和平建设委员会,我高兴地宣布澳大利亚在今后三年将捐助300万美元给其新的常设基金。 9. 英文原文: Five years ago, I stood at this very rostrum, committing my country and my Government to a global compact for development. 十原则口译参考: 五年前,我站在这个讲台上,承诺我国和我国政府执行全球发展契约。 10. 英文原文: In addition, our vulnerability to external shocks such as exploding oil prices, the dismantling of preferential access to industrial countries for agricultural commodities and vulnerability to destructive hurricanes make it difficult for countries like Belize to avoid high public debt, which in turn restricts our ability to invest in public and social services to reach all our people. 十原则口译参考: 此外,我们容易受到外部冲击的打击,例如,石油价格暴涨、失去农业商品进入工业国家的优惠待遇以及易受毁灭性飓风打击,这使伯利兹这样的国家难以避免高额公债,反过来,这种公债又限制了我们的投资能力,使我们不能对公共和社会机构投资以服务所有人民。 11. 英文原文: The clear restatement of the fundamental responsibility and right of developing countries to conduct their own development, the importance of private investment capital, and the massive increase in direct development aid promised by developed nations is a major achievement. 十原则口译参考: 我们重新明确阐明发展中国家进行自己发展的根本责任和权利,鼓励私人资本投资的重要性和发达国家承诺大规模增加直接发展援助是一项重大成就。 12. 英文原文: Above all, security in the twenty-first century means investment in development, in democracy and in human rights. 十原则口译参考: 总之,21世纪的安全意味着我们要投资于发展、民主和人权。 13. 英文原文: They want our discussion to be decision and result-oriented. 十原则口译参考: 他们要求我们的讨论产生决议和结果。 14. 英文原文: Therefore, we must do everything we can to make the new body a powerful instrument. 十原则口译参考: 因此,我们必须尽自己的力量所能,使这个新机构成为一个强有力的工具。 15. 英文原文: For a long time the Vietnamese people have been highly esteemed by the international community for their resolve and courage in the struggle to protect people’s human rights to live in freedom and independence and to determine their own destiny. 十原则口译参考: 长期以来,越南人民受到国际社会的尊敬,因为他们有决心和勇气去开展斗争,保护人权,以便能够生活自由和独立,并决定自己的命运。 16. 英文原文: For its part, Viet Nam reiterates its commitment to the implementation of the MDGs. 十原则口译参考: 越南重申,它致力于执行千年发展目标。 17. 英文原文: We welcome recognition in the agreed document of the special needs of small island developing States. 十原则口译参考: 我们欢迎在商定的文件中承认小岛屿发展中国家有特殊需要。 18. 英文原文: New   Zealand is committed to renewed efforts to agree on an expanded membership of the Security Council to make it more representative of twenty-first century realities. 十原则口译参考: 新西兰致力于继续争取就增加安理会成员国达成一致。 19. 英文原文: It is not only through concerted action by States that we should counteract the ideologues of the division of civilizations and terrorist aggression. 十原则口译参考: 我们不仅需要通过国家采取协调行动,反击那些分裂不同文明和鼓吹恐怖侵略行动的思想家。 原则三:Four word combos大念四字经 1. 英文原文: Whatever our differences, in our interdependent world, we stand or fall together. 十原则口译参考: 不管我们有什么样的分歧,在这个相互依存的世界上,我们命运相连,生死与共。 2. 英文原文: I urge world leaders, individually and collectively, to keep working on this reform agenda — to have the patience to persevere and the vision needed to forge a real consensus. 十原则口译参考: 我促请各位世界领导人作为个人和集体继续推进此项改革议程——要耐心执着,高瞻远瞩,以期达成真正的共识。 3. 英文原文: The General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council must play a stronger role in monitoring performance, offering advice and, when needed, issuing warnings. Global public opinion will also be a key force in getting the job done. 十原则口译参考: 联大和经社理事会必须发挥更大的作用,以监测表现、提供建议和必要时发出预警。全球舆论也将是完成这项工作的一个关键力量。 4. 英文原文: But if we did what we have agreed on doubling aid, on opening up trade, on debt relief, on HIV/AIDS and malaria, on conflict prevention so that never again would the world stand by helpless when genocide struck, if we fulfilled our undertakings at this summit, our modesty would surprise. 十原则口译参考: 但是,如果我们做到我们商定的内容——增加一倍的援助、开放贸易、减缓债务、消灭艾滋病毒/艾滋病和疟疾、预防冲突,以便当种族灭绝发生时世界决不会再次束手无策——如果我们履行在本次首脑会议上的承诺,我们的微不足道的作为将是惊人的。 5. 英文原文: In this young century, the far corners of the world are linked more closely than ever before and no nation can remain isolated and indifferent to the struggles of others. 十原则口译参考: 在这个新的世纪,全世界各个偏远的角落比以往任何时候都更加紧密相连,没有任何国家继续置身事外,对其他国家的艰苦奋斗无动于衷。 6. 英文原文: The lesson is clear: There can be no safety in looking away or seeking the quiet life by ignoring the hardship and oppression of others. Either hope will spread or violence will spread, and we must take the side of hope. 十原则口译参考: 教训是不言自明的:要有安全就不能对此视若无睹,或为了寻求安宁生活对他人遭受的苦难和压迫不闻不问。不是希望传遍人间,就是暴力四处蔓延,二者必居其一;而我们必须站在希望的一边。 7. 英文原文: If left unchallenged, that virus could cause the first pandemic of the twenty-first century. We must not allow that to happen.   十原则口译参考: 如果听之任之,此种病毒将引发21 世纪的第一场大流行病。我们决不能坐视不管。 8. 英文原文: Excuses and half-hearted or bad compromises will not advance our cause. 十原则口译参考: 寻找借口、三心两意或错误的妥协,将无助于促进我们的事业。 9. 英文原文: The root cause of the encouraging results in Viet Nam just mentioned is the determination to promote the cause of socio-economic development evinced by the State and the people of our country. 十原则口译参考: 越南取得刚才提到的这些令人鼓舞的成果,根本原因在于我国政府和人民所表现出来的促进社会经济发展事业的坚定决心。 10. 英文原文: We stand firm in our support of those who are struggling to recover from the horrifying devastation. 十原则口译参考: 我们坚定地支持那些争取从可怕的破坏中重建家园人们。 11. 英文原文: We need a caring United Nations that reaches out to those who struggle with extreme poverty and that lends a hand to those who strive to help themselves. 十原则口译参考: 我们需要一个富有同情心的联合国,出手帮助那些挣扎于赤贫之中的人,并帮助努力自救的人。 12. 英文原文: The world has changed dramatically over the past 60 years. 十原则口译参考: 世界在过去六十年发生了天翻地覆的变化。 13. 英文原文: Let us all unite in an endeavor to make this session of the General Assembly a session for action: action to achieve the comprehensive renewal of the United Nations. 十原则口译参考: 让我们大家团结一致,共同努力,使大会本届会议成为一届行动的会议:共同采取行动来实现联合国的全面振兴。 14. 英文原文: Our challenge now is to make sure that by the end of the year we have it up and running and able to deliver practical help. 十原则口译参考: 我们现在的挑战是确保我们在年底前使该机构建立起来并开始工作,并能够提供实际帮助。 15. 英文原文: Divisions in some areas were too deep to be bridged, and some are serious. 十原则口译参考: 某些方面的分歧很大,不可弥合,而且有些分歧很严重。 16. 英文原文; In conclusion, I should like to express the hope that this summit will be successful and that the United Nations will increase its influence and authority in the international community. 十原则口译参考: 最后,我希望这次首脑会议取得圆满成功,联合国将在国际社会中增加影响力和权威。 17. 英文原文: Such assistance must continue and conform to specific rules. 十原则口译参考: 这种援助必须持续不断,并符合具体规则。 原则四:Readjustment, reformulation, simplification 调整,重组,简化 1. 英文原文: And we have been reminded, again and again, that to ignore basic principles of democracy, of human rights, of the rule of law for the sake of expediency undermines confidence in our collective institutions in building a world that is freer, fairer and safer for all. 十原则口译参考: 事实一再提醒我们,忽略民主、人权和法治的基本原则,为一己私利将破坏我们对于集体体制的信心,破坏我们对建设一个人人更自由、更公平、更安全的世界的信心。正因为如此,一个健康、有效的联合国至关重要。 2. 英文原文: And finally, stalking this summit like a specter are the Millennium Development Goals. The struggle against global poverty will define our moral standing in the eyes of the future. The Group of Eight, meeting in Scotland, showed how we redeem our pledge. 十原则口译参考: 最后,《千年发展目标》像幽灵一样缠住本次首脑会议。消灭全球贫困的斗争将决定我们在后代眼中的道德地位。八国集团的苏格兰会议表明了我们如何能够兑现我们的承诺。 3. 英文原文: Later today, the Security Council has an opportunity to put the terrorists on notice when it votes on a draft resolution that condemns the incitement of terrorist acts and calls upon all States to take appropriate steps to end such incitement. 十原则口译参考: 今天晚些时候,安理会将有机会向恐怖分子发出警告,表决谴责煽动恐怖行为的决议草案。该决议要求所有的国家采取适当步骤终止这类煽动活动。 4. 英文原文: A successful Doha round will reduce and eliminate tariffs and other barriers on farm and industrial goods. 十原则口译参考: 多哈回合谈判如果取得成功,将会降低和消除阻碍农工产品贸易的关税及其他壁垒。 5. 英文原文: It is fitting that the world’s largest democracy, India, has taken a leadership role in this effort, pledging $10 million to get the Fund started. 十原则口译参考: 世界上最大的民主国家印度理所当然地在这方面发挥了领导作用,已承诺提供1 000 万美元作为该民主基金的启动资金。 6. 英文原文: In this, the sixtieth anniversary year of the United Nations, Australia can look back on a strong record of involvement in a multitude of United Nations sponsored processes and active membership in the Organization. 十原则口译参考: 值此联合国60周年,澳大利亚可以回顾过去,历史纪录有力地表明,我们参与了各类联合国发起的进程,并一直是联合国组织的积极成员。 7. 英文原文: The nation-State remains the focus of legitimate action for order and justice in our world. 十原则口译参考: 民族国家在我们的世界中依然是采取合法行动的焦点以维护秩序和正义。 8. 英文原文: And there has been understandable disappointment and criticism at the lack of language on disarmament and nonproliferation, particularly given the risk of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to terrorists. 十原则口译参考: 有人对于没有语言提及裁军和不扩散问题表示失望和批评,这是可以理解的,特别是考虑到大规模毁灭性武器有可能扩散到恐怖分子手中。 9. 英文原文: In summary, we welcome the outcome document as a reasonable balance of issues overall. 十原则口译参考: 总之,我们欢迎成果文件的出炉,因为它合理地平衡了所有问题。 10. 英文原文: What good comes from lamenting the lot of the poor while seeking to sell the maximum number of weapons to as many developing countries as possible? How can we preach the virtues of free trade while denying least developed countries access to our markets? 十原则口译参考: 以下局面于事何补呢——如果我们一方面对贫穷者的命运表示悲哀,另一方面又谋求把最大数量的武器出售给很多发展中国家?我们怎么可以一方面宣传自由贸易的好处,而同时却剥夺最不发达国家进入我们市场的机会呢? 11. 英文原文: The terrible tragedy unleashed by Hurricane Katrina on a major city in the United States of America and the stunning paralysis and vulnerability it exposed should leave a very clear idea of the damage that is done to entire economies of small countries like Belize on an annual basis, away from the glare of international media attention. 十原则口译参考: “卡特琳娜”飓风在美利坚合众国一个重要城市造成了可怕的悲剧,造成了令人震惊的瘫痪,暴露了各种弱点,这些应该使人们非常清楚地了解,它每年对伯利兹这样的小国整个经济造成的破坏,这些都发生在没有受到国际媒体注意的地方。 12. 英文原文: An updated medium-term economic strategy is also under way that will incorporate debt management, fiscal policy, public-sector investment and growth with equity as integral components. 十原则口译参考: 此外,目前一个经过更新的中期经济战略正在执行,该战略包括债务管理、财政政策、公共部门投资和讲求公平的增长,这些都是该计划不可分割的组成部分。 13. 英文原文: These differing perspectives might be the biggest obstacle to international cooperation in achieving the MDGs. 十原则口译参考: 这种不同的角度可能是一个最大的障碍,影响人们在实现千年发展目标方面进行国际合作。 14. 英文原文: More than 27 per cent of parliamentarians in the Vietnamese National Assembly are women, ranking Viet Nam among the leading countries for this indicator in the Asia-Pacific region. 十原则口译参考: 有27%以上得越南国会的议员是妇女,在这方面,越南名列亚太地区国家的前列。 15. 英文原文: Let me recall that in 1997 the issuance of special drawing rights was approved, supported by 133 countries representing 77.3 per cent of the voting power of the International Monetary Fund countries (IMF). 十原则口译参考: 让我们回顾一下,特别提款权在1997年的发行得到了代表国际货币基金组织(货币基金)77.3%投票权的133个国家的批准和支持。 原则五:Repetition, retention, anticipation 重复,记忆,预测 1. 英文原文: But let us be frank with each other and with the peoples of the United Nations. We have not yet achieved the sweeping and fundamental reform that I and many others believe is required. Sharp differences, some of them substantive and legitimate, have played their part in preventing that. 十原则口译参考: 但我们要彼此坦诚,要对联合国人民坦诚。我们尚未实现全面和根本的改革,而这是我和其他许多人认为必须进行的。鲜明的分歧,有些是实质性的、有理的分歧,阻碍了这样一个计划的达成。 2. 英文原文: Americans have responded to their neighbors in need, and so have many of the nations represented in this Hall. 十原则口译参考: 美国人回应了困境中的邻居,这个大会堂里所代表的许多国家也作出了回应。 3. 英文原文: We must defend and extend a vision of human dignity, opportunity and prosperity — a vision far stronger than the dark appeal of resentment and murder. 十原则口译参考: 我们必须保卫并扩大人类尊严、机会与繁荣的前景,这样的前景远比怨恨和屠杀的吸引力要强大。 4. 英文原文: So America and many nations have also acted to lift that burden, which limits the growth of developing economies and holds millions of people in poverty. 十原则口译参考: 因此美国以及许多其他国家也已采取行动,消除这一负担——债务重担使发展中经济体的增长受限,使数百万人民处于贫困状态。 5. 英文原文: We face difficult decisions, but with courage and vision we can build a United Nations for the future, a United Nations that serves all the world’s people, because that is the best way to serve every single one of us. 十原则口译参考: 我们面临着困难的决定,但是凭借勇气和远见我们可以建立一个适应未来的联合国——这个联合国为世界上所有人服务,因为这是为我们每一个人服务的最好办法。 6. 英文原文: We must commend the efforts of the Group of Eight to cancel the debt of those developing countries designated by the United Nations as heavily indebted poor countries. 十原则口译参考: 我们要赞赏八国集团所做的努力,赞赏他们免除了被联合国指定为重债穷国的发展中国家的债务。 7. 英文原文: Newly independent in 1946, the Icelandic people sought the clear recognition of sovereignty which membership of the United Nations gives. 十原则口译参考: 1946年刚刚获得独立,冰岛人民寻求对其主权的明确承认,而加入联合国得到了这种承认。 8. 英文原文: The sovereign equality between nations provided by the United Nations Charter, the promise of living in peace as good neighbours, and the condemnation of the use of armed force except in the common interest, all those were valuable principles which the new Republic  of Iceland wished to subscribe to. 十原则口译参考: 各国的主权平等在《联合国宪章》中做了规定,睦邻友好、和平相处的前景和谴责为非共同利益使用武力的做法,所有这些都是非常宝贵的原则,新生的冰岛共和国愿意赞同这些原则。 9. 英文原文: But Iceland has never looked on the United Nations as a mechanism solely for safeguarding sovereignty and for mediating relations between Governments. 十原则口译参考: 然而冰岛从未把联合国看作是一个仅仅捍卫主权和调解政府关系的机制。 10. 英文原文: It is therefore right that this summit underlines the responsibility that Governments have to their people and the duty of the international community to intervene in a timely and decisive manner if national authorities manifestly fail in their responsibilities. 十原则口译参考: 因此,本次首脑会议应当强调各国政府对其人民的责任,以及国际社会及时和果断地干预国家当局在明显失职情况下的职责。 11. 英文原文: We will therefore join forces with our partners and friends and will work with determination and the necessary patience to strengthen the United Nations by renewing it. 十原则口译参考: 因此,我国将同我们的伙伴和朋友们携手努力,以坚定的决心和必要的耐心,加强和振兴联合国。 12. 英文原文: Nevertheless, we cannot help but be concerned about the lack of progress or efficiency in the implementation of the MDGs in a large number of countries and regions. 十原则口译参考: 但我们也不能不担心,在执行千年发展目标方面许许多多的国家和区域缺乏进展或效率。 13. 英文原文: Let me, on behalf of the Vietnamese Government and State, take this opportunity to express our high appreciation to United Nations organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors, international nongovernmental organizations and foreign friends for the valuable assistance extended to Viet Nam for our development. 十原则口译参考: 让我代表越南政府和国家,借此机会高度感谢联合国各组织、双边和多边捐助者、国际非政府组织和外国朋友,感谢他们给越南的发展提供的宝贵援助。 14. 英文原文: Before beginning my remarks, I would like to express my deepest condolences to those who have lost loved ones in Hurricane Katrina. 十原则口译参考: 在发言前,我首先要对在卡特琳娜飓风中的失去亲人的人表示最深切的慰问。 15. 英文原文: I also call for an early conclusion of negotiations on a draft comprehensive convention on international terrorism. 十原则口译参考: 我还呼吁大家早日就国际恐怖主义问题全面公约草案完成谈判。 16. 英文原文: Undoubtedly, it is an achievement that we have agreed on a new Human Rights Council. 十原则口译参考: 毫无疑问,我们就建立一个新的人权理事会达成一致是一个成就。 17. 英文原文: These walls have witnessed the birth of many ideas on détente as well as a joint quest for, and the establishment of, the foundations of a new, confrontation-free world order. 十原则口译参考: 这些大厅见证了有关缓和的许多想法的诞生,并见证了我们共同追求和奠定新的没有冲突的世界秩序基础的工作。 18. 英文原文: That is why it is the United Nations and its Security Council that must be the main centre for coordinating international cooperation in the fight against terrorism as the ideological successor of Nazism. 十原则口译参考: 因此,联合国及其安理会必须成为主要协调中心,协调国际合作,反击恐怖主义这一纳粹主义的意识形态后继者。 19. 英文原文: Moreover, the United Nations and the Security Council must coordinate the settlement of the long-lasting regional conflicts that terrorists and extremists of all stripes parasitize by exploiting the historical burden of religious, ethnic and social confrontation. 十原则口译参考: 而且,联合国和安理会必须协调解决长期存在的区域冲突,因为形形色色的恐怖分子和极端分子利用宗教、族裔和社会对峙的历史包袱寄生于这些冲突。 20. 英文原文: Sir, after conveying my greetings to you, I should like briefly to make four preliminary comments. 十原则口译参考: 主席先生,我先向您表示问候,然后简短谈谈四个初步意见。 21. 英文原文: The United Nations proposal to double official assistance from $50 billion to $100 billion is not sure to be implemented. 十原则口译参考: 联合国提议把官方援助增加一倍,从500亿增加到1000亿,这个提议不一定会得到落实。 原则六:Passive to active, v.v. 被动变主动,主动变被动 1. 英文原文: Important progress has been made to redeem those pledges and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 十原则口译参考: 在履行这些保证,实现各项千年发展目标方面,已经取得了重要进展。 2. 英文原文: The targeting and deliberate killing by terrorists of civilians and noncombatants cannot be justified or legitimized by any cause or grievance. 十原则口译参考: 恐怖分子以平民和非战斗人员为目标,蓄意杀害的行为都不能成为理由或合法化,不论出于什么原因,也不论有什么怨恨。 3. 英文原文: We must send a clear message to the rulers of outlaw regimes that sponsor terror and pursue weapons of mass murder: You will not be allowed to threaten the peace and stability of the world. 十原则口译参考: 我们必须向非法政权统治者发出明确的信息——而正是他们支持恐怖和寻求大规模毁灭性武器:绝不允许你们威胁世界和平与稳定。 4. 英文原文: The United Nations was created to spread the hope of liberty, to fight poverty and disease and to help secure human rights and human dignity for all the world’s people. 十原则口译参考: 创建联合国的宗旨就是为了传播自由希望,抗击贫困和疾病,帮助全世界所有人民获得人的权利和人的尊严。 5. 英文原文: This Organization was convened to meet these challenges by harnessing the best instincts of humankind, the strength of the world, united in common purpose. 十原则口译参考: 联合国成立的宗旨是迎接这些挑战,发挥人类的最高智慧,动员全世界团结一致。 6. 英文原文: Iceland welcomes its foundation and believes that, if given the necessary institutional weight, it could achieve much in establishing lasting peace following conflict. 十原则口译参考: 冰岛欢迎该委员会的成立,并且认为它如果获得必要的机构分量,就能够大有作为,以建立冲突后的持久和平。 7. 英文原文: Iceland also welcomes the text on terrorism, although a universal definition is still needed. Terrorism is a threat to us all and must be condemned in all its forms. 十原则翻译参考: 冰岛还欢迎关于反恐怖主义的文字,然而仍需一个放之四海而皆准的定义。恐怖主义对于我们大家都是一种威胁,必须谴责其存在的所有形式。 8. 英文原文: The steady rise in the number of natural disasters means that vigorous action must be agreed upon at the international level. 十原则口译参考: 自然灾害日趋频繁,这意味着必须在国际一级商定采取有力行动。 9. 英文原文: Implementation of the enhanced commitments made by developed countries, including Japan, will serve as a foundation for a better world. 十原则口译参考: 落实发达国家包括日本所作的更大承诺是实现更美好世界的基础。 10. 英文原文: The new United Nations will need to encourage ownership by developing countries through partnership with the international community, focusing on a human-centered approach that we call human security. 十原则口译参考: 新的联合国必须鼓励发展中国家通过与国际社会合作发扬主人翁精神,把重点放在在以人为本的做法上,而这个做法我们称之为人类安全。 11. 英文原文: Now, for the first time in United Nations history, there is a real prospect that action will be taken, with extensive support from Member States. 十原则口译参考: 联合国历史眼前首次出现了一个切实的可能,那就是各成员国愿意广泛支持采取行动。 12. 英文原文: We are particularly pleased that the budget of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is to be doubled and her office strengthened. 十原则口译参考: 我们感到特别高兴的是,人权事务高级专员办事处的预算增加了一倍,它的职权得到了加强。 13. 英文原文: It should take into account both the lessons learned and the positive experience gained by the United Nations. 十原则口译参考: 必须考虑学到的教训和联合国累积的积极经验。 14. 英文原文: But in addition to internal efforts, international support is required, and it should be provided at two distinct levels. 十原则口译参考: 然而,除了国内努力外,还需要国际支持,而且应该在两个不同层次上提供国际支持。 原则七:Affirmative to negative,v.v. 正说反译 反说正译  要...就... 1. 英文原文: For the protection of the environment, the promotion of international trade, we can do nothing without effective action together. 十原则口译参考: 为了保护环境、促进国际贸易,我们要有所作为,就必须一道采取有效行动。 2. 英文原文: But it would, I suggest, be the proper vocation of political leadership, and the United Nations would live up to its name. 十原则口译参考: 但是,我认为,这才是政治领导人的正当职业,联合国应当不负其名。 3. 英文原文: The work of democracy is larger than holding a fair election; it requires building the institutions that sustain freedom. 十原则口译参考: 民主事业不仅仅只是举行公平的选举;它还需要我们建立机制维护自由。 4. 英文原文: In today’s world, we cannot serve our own interests well unless we rise above narrow national interests. If we fail to act responsibly on the world stage, we will fail our own people at home. It is one world. 十原则口译参考: 在当今世界上,我们如果要实现我们自己的利益,就必须超越狭隘的国家利益。如果我们不能够在世界舞台上采取负责任的行动,我们将愧对我们国内的人民。 原则八:6 Ways of interpreting noun clauses 原条目结让并 1. 英文原文: We must help raise up the failing States and stagnant societies that provide fertile ground for terrorists. 十原则口译参考: 我们必须帮助国力衰退的国家和停滞不前的社会,不使恐怖分子得到生长的土壤。 2. 英文原文: It enshrines the principles of mutual accountability and mutual responsibility that are the essence of the Monterrey Consensus, and it embodies the notion of national ownership that is at the heart of development. 十原则口译参考: 宣言庄严载入了各项共同问责和共同责任原则,这是《蒙特雷共识》的精髓,它体现了国家所有制理念,这是发展的核心。 3. 英文原文: That is an ambitious agenda that includes cutting global poverty and hunger in half, ensuring that every boy and girl in the world has access to primary education, and halting the spread of AIDS — all by 2015. 十原则口译参考: 这是一个宏伟的目标,要求将贫穷挨饿的人口减少一半,保障全世界所有的男女儿童都能受到初级教育并制止艾滋病的蔓延等——这些都要在2015 年前实现。 4. 英文原文: That account is increasing United States aid for countries that govern justly, invest in their people and promote economic freedom. 十原则口译参考: 这一账户逐渐增加美国对一些国家提供的援助,如果该国实行公正治理、投资于本国人民并促进经济自由。 5. 英文原文: The partnership requires countries that face an outbreak to immediately share information and provide samples to the World Health Organization. 十原则口译参考: 该合作计划要求各国如面临疾病爆发应立即分享信息,提供病毒取样给世界卫生组织。 6. 英文原文: The Secretary-General said that we also need to reduce trade barriers and subsidies that are holding developing economies back. 十原则口译参考: 秘书长说,我们还需要减少贸易壁垒和补贴制度,因为他们阻碍发展经济体前进。 7. 英文原文: Today, I reiterate a challenge that I have made before: we must work together in the Doha negotiations to eliminate agricultural subsidies that distort trade and stunt development, and to eliminate tariffs and other barriers to open markets for farmers throughout the world. 十原则口译参考: 今天,我重申我以前已提出的一项挑战:我们必须联手在多哈谈判中消除农业补贴,因为这扭曲贸易和阻碍发展,并取消关税和其他壁垒,开放市场给全世界农民。 8. 英文原文: In the long run, the best way to protect religious freedom and the rights of women and minorities is through institutions of self-rule, which allow people to assert and defend their own rights. 十原则口译参考: 从长远来看,捍卫宗教自由和保护妇女与少数族裔权利最佳途径来是建立自我管理机制,从而使人们能够坚持并捍卫自己的权利。所有倡导人权的人也必须倡导人类自由。 9. 英文原文: So the free world is working together to help the Iraqi people to establish a new nation that can govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself. 十原则口译参考: 因此,自由世界正在共同努力,帮助伊拉克人民建立一个新国家,实现自治、自立和自卫。 10. 英文原文: Since 1998, my Government has been building a strong national integrity system, including an independent judiciary with security of tenure, a broad-based Governance Improvement Commission that is working to strengthen oversight institutions, like the Auditor-General, the Contractor-General and the Ombudsman, and modern legislation that safeguards accountability in the administration of public finances. 十原则口译参考: 1998年以来,我国政府一直在努力建设一个强大的国家廉政制度,其中包括一个任期有保障的独立司法部门、一个有广泛基础的改进施政委员会,该委员会的工作是努力加强监督机构,象审计长、承包长和监察长等,以及捍卫公共财务行政管理权责的现代立法。 11. 英文原文: But developing countries, with the help of the international community, need to create political and legal environments in which sustainable development has a real chance. 十原则口译参考: 然而发展中国家在国际社会的帮助下,需要创造一种政治与法律环境,让可持续发展获得真正的机会。 12. 英文原文: I take this opportunity to draw members’ attention to the fact that, as of 2004, Viet   Nam had reduced poverty rates by three fifths as compared with 1993, thus attaining the MDG of halving poverty 10 years ahead of schedule. 十原则口译参考: 我借此机会提请各成员注意这一事实,即截至2004年,越南贫穷率已经比1993年降低五分之三,从而提前十年实现了将贫穷率减半的千年发展目标。 13. 英文原文: At this critical moment in the history of our Organization, we welcome the fact that Member States have agreed that we share a responsibility to protect populations from the most horrific of crimes. 十原则口译参考: 在本组织历史的这个关键时刻,我们欢迎以下事实:各成员国已经同意,我们有共同责任保护人民不受最恐怖的罪行的伤害。 14. 英文原文: For six decades the destiny of this world has been inseparably linked to the work of the United Nations, the contemporary, and one of the brightest symbols, of the victory over Nazism. 十原则口译参考: 60 年来,世界的命运同联合国的工作有着不可分割的联系。联合国是当代战胜纳粹主义的最光辉的象征之一。 15. 英文原文: Only thus, through broad agreement, can we further strengthen the authority and legitimacy of the United Nations as well as its capacity to respond more effectively to the challenges of the twenty-first century. 十原则口译参考: 只有这样,通过达成广泛一致,我们才能够进一步加强联合国的权威和合法性,提高联合国的能力,使其能更有效地应对二十一世纪的各种挑战。 16. 英文原文: But we wish to state clearly here that when we go out into the world, we encounter barriers that undermine our growth. 十原则口译参考: 然而,我们愿在这里明确表明,我们在走进世界时遇到种种障碍,从而破坏了我们的增长。 原则九:Golden words rule金字律: 要把这将使其能来而且本该并可给于予以之 1. 英文原文: They will also agree that the failures of the Human Rights Commission must be remedied by establishing a new human rights council, the details of which must now be worked out during the sixtieth session of the General Assembly. 十原则口译参考: 他们也将同意,人权委员会的失败必须纠正,要建立一个新的人权理事会,其具体细节必须在大会第六十届会议期间拟定。 2. 英文原文: I warmly welcome President Bush’s pledge and challenge to us all on Wednesday that the United States of   America is ready to eliminate all tariffs, subsidies and other barriers to the free flow of goods and services if other nations are willing to do the same. 十原则口译参考: 我热烈欢迎布什总统于周三对我们大家所作的承诺和发出的挑战,即美利坚合众国打算消除所有关税、补贴和其他壁垒以实现商品和服务自由流通,如果其他国家愿意跟进。 3. 英文原文: While there is a positive outlook for achieving universal primary education, eliminating gender disparity in education at all levels, reducing child mortality and improving maternal health, there are considerable challenges to meeting the time-bound targets for poverty eradication and for halting and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS and the incidence of malaria and other major diseases. 十原则口译参考: 一方面,人们有一个乐观的前景,就是可以普及初级教育、消除两性在各级教育方面的悬殊、降低儿童死亡率和改进产妇保健,但是,也面临着相当大的挑战,以实现有时间限制的目标,如消除贫穷和遏制并扭转艾滋病毒/艾滋病的蔓延以及疟疾和其他重大疾病的发病率等。 4. 英文原文: The Doha development round was launched in 2000 with the overarching objective of ensuring that the multilateral trade rules account for the needs of developing countries. There are high stakes for Belize in a successful conclusion of the round, that is, a conclusion that embodies the needs and concerns of developing countries, especially those with smaller economies. 十原则口译参考: 多哈发展回合发起于2000年,其最大的目标是保证多边贸易规则考虑到发展中国家的需要。对伯利兹而言,顺利完成这个回合事关重大。也就是,得出的结果要能体现出发展中国家、特别是经济规模较小的发展中国家的需要和关切。 5. 英文原文: Our strategy of achieving sustainable economic growth together with social equity requires fundamental reform of social policies to reflect principles of universality, inclusion and solidarity. 十原则口译参考: 我们的战略是实现可持续经济增长及社会平等,这要求我们对社会政策进行根本性的改革,以反映普遍性、包容性和团结等原则。 6. 英文原文: The need to reinforce the country’s security through membership of an Organization committed to maintaining peace and security in the world was also an important consideration. 十原则口译参考: 我们需要加强本国的安全,办法是加入一个致力于维护世界和平与安全的组织,这也是一个重要的考虑。 7. 英文原文: The Charter addresses not only how we as Governments conduct our relations between ourselves, matters of sovereign equality and territorial integrity, but also how we conduct ourselves towards our own peoples, what the Secretary-General has called the accountability of States to their citizens, and indeed, how we conduct ourselves towards the peoples of other countries. 十原则口译参考: 《宪章》解决的不仅仅是我们各国政府应如何处理相互间的关系,主权平等和领土完整的问题,而且要解决我们如何对待本国人民的问题。这也是秘书长所称为的各国对其公民的责任问题,而且是如何对待他国的人民问题。 8. 英文原文: The decision to establish a peacebuilding commission will provide another tool which will help to create a better future for individuals and nations. 十原则口译参考: 建立一个和平委员会的决定,将提供另外一个工具,以助于为个人和各国创造更美好的未来。 9. 英文原文: And we must make the United Nations, as the mainstay of multilateralism, stronger and more efficient. 十原则口译参考: 我们必须使联合国成为多边主义的中流砥柱,并使之更强大、更有效。 10. 英文原文: Five years ago leaders from 189 countries solemnly adopted the Millennium Declaration out of a deep desire for humanity to live in a more peaceful, prosperous and just world. 十原则口译参考: 五年前,来自189个国家的领导人庄严通过了《千年宣言》,这是出于一种深切的渴望,希望人类能生活在更加和平、繁荣和公正的世界上。 11. 英文原文: The caring United Nations needs to enhance its efforts for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. 十原则口译参考: 富有同情心的联合国必须加强努力,以实现千年发展目标。 12. 英文原文: The new, strong United Nations, with the proposed Peacebuilding Commission in place, must show initiative in ensuring a smooth transition from ceasefire to nation-building and to reconciliation, justice and reconstruction. 十原则口译参考: 新的强大的联合国,加上设想的和平建设委员会,必须展示主动性,确保实现顺利过渡,这就是从停火向国家建设、向和解、正义与重建的过渡。 13. 英文原文: In the spirit of the Monterrey Consensus, a sensible balance has been struck between the shared responsibilities of developed and developing countries to eradicate poverty. 十原则口译参考: 本着《蒙特雷共识》的精神,我们合理地平衡了发达国家和发展中国家的共同责任,要消灭贫困。 14. 英文原文: The creation of the United Nations clearly reflected the will of civilized humanity to avert new and devastating wars and the revival of barbaric ideologies advocating violence, aggression or racial superiority. 十原则口译参考: 联合国的创建显然反映了文明人类的意愿,要避免新的毁灭性战争的爆发并避免野蛮意识形态的重现,因为它宣扬暴力、侵略或种族优越。 15. 英文原文: We are pleased that other speakers have touched on this topic. I wish simply to recall that, if trade barriers were lifted, the developing countries would generate potential profits of $130 billion, more than double the $50 billion needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. 十原则口译参考: 令我们高兴的是,其他发言者也谈到这个问题。我愿仅仅忆及,如果解除贸易壁垒,发展中国家就会产生1 300亿美元的潜在利润,这超过了实现千年发展目标所需的500 亿美元一倍多。 原则十:Understanding English, speaking Chinese,or Understanding origianl texts, interpreting colloquailly & contextually理解原文,按习俗和语境译 1. 英文原文: Likewise, Security Council reform has for the moment eluded us, even though everyone broadly agrees that it is long overdue. 十原则口译参考: 同样,安理会的改革迄今仍未实施,尽管大家广泛认为,早就应当进行。 2. 英文原文: Three years ago, at the International Conference on Financing for Development, many of you were among the world leaders who put their weight behind the Monterrey Consensus. 十原则口译参考: 三年前,在发展筹资问题国际会议上,你们许多人都曾作为世界领导人支持《蒙特雷共识》。 3. 英文原文: But it is safe to say that this summit has served as a real catalyst for development advances that we have been seeking for many years. 十原则口译参考: 然而,可以安全地说,本次首脑会议已经切实促进了发展方面进步,这是我们多年来所寻求的结果。 4. 英文原文: A great American city is working to turn the flood waters and reclaim its future. 十原则口译参考: 一座伟大的美国城市正在努力抗击洪水,重拾未来。 5. 英文原文: That document commits this Organization to work to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”, “reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights” and “promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”. 十原则口译参考: 《宪章》要求联合国决心“欲免后世再遭惨不堪言之战祸”,“重申基本人权之信念”,并“促成大自由中之社会进步及较善之民生”。 6. 英文原文: Throughout the world, hearts and minds are opening to the message of human liberty as never before. 十原则口译参考: 当前,自由事业面临重大机遇。在世界各地,人类自由的理念正在深入人心,这是前所未有的。 7. 英文原文: Its membership, its increasing politicization and its overall lack of effectiveness at tackling human rights violations around the world have overwhelmed its achievements. 十原则口译参考: 其成员组成、其日益的政治化以及总的来说不能有效的处理世界各地侵犯人权的现象使得他的成绩黯然失色。 8. 英文原文: What is needed is the global political will to make good on our respective pledges of five years ago. 十原则口译参考: 我们所需的是要有全球政治意愿以兑现五年前各自作出的承诺。 9. 英文原文: The lives of millions around the world hang in the balance. Let us not lose this opportunity to change our world for the betterment of all. 十原则口译参考: 世界各地数百万人的生命安危未定。让我们不要失去这次机会,以便使我们可以改变世界、改善所有人生活的。