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作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-05-04 15:45:49 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

SELECTION OF USED WORDS IN ENGLISH CONTRACT   在翻译合同文件时,会涉及到经济、法律、贸易、金融、技术等领域的专业词汇,这些词汇在不同的合同条款和上下文中的表达和词义有很大区别。即使在同一专业中的词义都有很大区别,因此我们必须仔细推敲,选择最确切的词义。例如:cover一词,作为动词讲一般都理解为“包括”,例如:The prices quoted in the brochure cover packing and are subject to 35%trade discount,可译为:“小册子所报的价格包括包装费在内,可有35%的商业折扣。”但以下的含有cover的句子,就不能将cover译成“包括”:   (1) No doubt there must have been some reason for the delay in shipment. To cover this contingency we cabled you On Mar.29 that we were extending the letter of credit for two weeks.句中的cover应理解为“应付”,全句可译成:   无疑,一定有某种致使装船延误的原因。为应付这一意外事件,我方已于3月29日电告你方,将信用证延期两周。   (2) If Party A insists on its original quotation. Party B will have to cover its requirements elsewhere.   句中的cover指“购进货物”,全句可译成:   如果甲方坚持原报价,则乙方只能从其他方面购进其需要的货物。   (3) In order to cover our order, we have arranged with the Bank of China, Dalian Branch, a credit for USD 55,000.   句中的cover在这里表示“偿付”,全句可译成:   为支付我方订货,我方已联系中国银行大连分行开立55,000美元的信用证。   (4) Party B shall cover the goods with particular average.   句中的cover在这里的含义为:to insure sth against toss,全句可译成: 乙方将对该货物投保水渍险。   英译汉是如此,汉译英时也应该注意同类的问题。请看下面的句子: 如在解释上有分歧,应以英文本为准。   该句中的“解释”在汉英词典上可以有多种选择,如:explanation,construe,exposition,interpretation,但该句中的“解释”是对依法成立的合同条款的正式性解释,应选择interpretation,全句可译成:In case of any divergence of interpretations, the English text shall prevail。   以上例子仅是选择词义的一个方面。本章将就合同翻译时经常碰到的词义处理问题,归纳为三个方面:同义词的选择,一词多义的问题,容易混淆的词的处理。现分述如下:   1. Choice of Synonyms同义词的选择   同义词的选择,通常从以下几方面着手:   1) Considering the Connotation根据单词的内涵进行选择   例如,合同中经常出现的to perform a contract, to fulfill a contract, to execute a contract, to implement a contract,这些短语都可以表示“履行合同”,从字面上看都对。然而在具体的合同条款中,表示履行不同的合同义务时,其用法是有区别的。   【EX1】With respect to the outstanding 180 MT of tow-density polyethylene NY2—11 under Contract No.79HP一106,we insist that you must open the covering letter of credit the soonest possible to secure the performance of the contract. We hereby would like to call your attention to the fact that the Adviser Inc. , who purchased LDPE NY2—11 fom us at the same time as you did have fulfilled their commitment under the previous Contract not tong after we offered our regulated price and signed a new contract covering substantial quantity.   关于79HP一106号合同项下尚未执行的180公吨NY2一11低密度聚乙烯,我们仍然认为贵方应尽快开证以保证履行合同。我们提请贵方注意,the Adviser Inc.和贵方同时向我方购买NY2—11低密度聚乙烯,他们已经在我方主动调价后不久履行了原合同,而且又和我们签订了较大数量的新合同。   该句子出现的“履行”分别使用了perform和fulfill。我们首先研究一下这对同义词的内涵:perform的法律含义是:to do what one party is obliged to do by a contract; fulfill的法律含义是:to do everything which is promised in a contract。其次,再研究一下合同各方应履行的合同义务:涉外合同一经生效,双方当事人必须全面地、适当地履行合同中的义务,但是具体对某一方合同当事人来讲,就是履行合同中最属于他应该履行的那部分责任和义务。比如,在国际货物销售合同中,对买方来说,“履行合同”的概念就是payment,当然与payment有关的义务还有采用何种方式和支付工具付款等。如果该合同的价格条件是FOB的话,买方还要负责租船订舱,支付运费,并将船期、船号及时通知卖方等。因此,如果强调合同的一方履行合同与所规定的该方的那部分具体义务相同,应该是fulfill a contract。如果是泛指双方在合同中的各项责任和义务都应得到履行,则选用perform a contract较合适。又如:The Contractor shall fulfill all of its duties and obligations in carrying out its work and services hereunder(承租人必须忠实信守和履行下列各项规则)。   【EX2】合同在有效期内,双方对合同产品涉及的技术如有改进和发展,应相互免费将改进和发展的技术资料提供给对方使用。   Within the validity term of the Contract, both parties shall supply each other with the improvement and devetopment of the technotogy related to the Contract Products free of charge.   该句的谓语动词“提供”一词用了supply,就不如provide确切。尽管这两个词都表示“供   给”,但在牵涉到金钱时,provide则表示to give sb sth free of charge, supply则不太明确,一般来说需要给钱。因此,该条款虽然明确了free of charge,但用provide更恰当。   【EX3】改进和开发的技术,其所有权属于改进和开发一方。   The improved and devetoped technotogy shall be owned by the party who has improved and devetoped the technotogy.   如果将“属于”改用belong to,其主语就应该是ownership,表示“所有权属于...”,因为the improved and devetoped technotogy属于“知识产权”,而这种权利与物质财产有直接联系。这样,该句还可以调整如下:   The ownership of any improved and devetoped technotogy shall betong to the party who has improved and devetoped the technotogy.   【EX4】本细则的解释权,属于中华人民共和国财政部。   句中的“属于”是指power or right will be present or vested in sb or a body,故应选用reside in。全句译成:   The right of interpreting the detailed Rules and Regulations resides in the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China.   2) Considering the Grammar根据句法要进行选择   有些英语同义词的选择,是由句子的结构和搭配所要求的,这时译者应认真研究这些同义词的搭配关系,避免出现句法搭配上的错误。   【EX5】合资经营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律。   这一条款中“遵守”一词,英语中有observe, obey, abide by, comply with等,在选择表示“遵守”的词汇时,应根据句子搭配关系进行选择。本句子中的主语是activity,汉语翻译时应选择comply with,表示to act in accordance with a provision, rule, demand,故全句译成:All the activities of a joint venture shall comply with the provision of laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.   在使用observe和abide by时,其主语应该是合同的当事人,例如:The Contractor shall observe and abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations in connection with the Work(承包方必须遵守和服从与该项工程有关的一切适用的法律、规章和条例)。   再如,合同经常出现的“由于”,在英语中,常用以下一组短语来表达:due to, owing to, in view of, because of. considering, in consideration。请比较下列句子:   (3)Sources suggested that this decline in exports is largely due to a sharp cutback in the credit offered by the Thai government to these countries.   有消息说,这种出口下降主要是由于泰国政府向这些国家提供的信贷大幅度削减所造成的。   (4) Because of the exceptional demand for electric blankets due to the prolonged cold weather, we are at present out of stock of the make you wish to order.   由于天气持续寒冷,电热毯需求量特大,你方欲订购的制品目前正缺货。   以上两句中,由due to引出的短语均属形容词性质的短词,分别在句中作表语和定语,一般不引出状语。引出状语,表示“由于”的短语往往选用because of和owing to。例如:   (5) Owing to the increasing demand for this type of our products, our stocks have run very tow.   由于对此种产品的需求日益增长,我方的存货已不多了。   (6)In consideration of your consistently good credibility, we can accept payment by D/P.   由于贵公司信誉一直很好,我们可以同意以付款交单的方式接受付款。   句子中的in consideration of引出的短语也可以表示“由于”,一般作状语,而后面的介词宾语必须是褒义词,一般不用贬义词.   3) Considering the Style根据合同的文体进行选择   合同英语属条法英语,其文件的基本要求是用词规范、正式、符合同定俗成的含义。   在选择同义词时,译者应充分考虑合同文本的特点,选择符合合同文体的正式的规范的词汇,不能容许在文字选择上存在随意性。   【EX6】买方须于销售确认书第三条所规定日期之前开出本批交易的信用证。否则,售方有权不经通知取消本确认书,或接受买方对本售货确认书未履行的全部或一部分,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。   原译文:The Buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before the date specified in Clause Three of this Sales Confirmation, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyer, or to todge a claim for tosses sustained, if any.   该句条款中的“有权”,英文合同中大多选择:to have the right或keep the right,但该句选用reserve the right to do sth. 比前两种表达更正式,因为reserve本身就属条法英语中的专用词汇,表示to have a specified power of right in law。比如,我们经常看到的“版权所有”,用英语表达就是All rights reserved。   【EX7】如乙方在技术资料的交付方面违约,不应要求甲方立即支付任何专利权使用费。 Party A shall not be asked to pay at once any royalties in default on the part of Party B to the Delivery of Technical Documentation.   该译文中的ask应更换为require, ask和require的意思虽然都是“要求”,但后者更正式;句中的at once应更换为forthwith,因为forthwith是公文体,较at once或immediately正式、严谨。例如:The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Joint Venture Company shall be formed forthwith upon satisfaction of the conditions(缔约各方确认并同意,一旦条件符合,合资经营公司便立即组成)。   【EX8】公司的任何一方未经董事会一致通过及中国主管审批部门的批准,不得向第三方转让、抵押、出售或以其他方式处理其全部或部分投资。若一方要转让股份,必须遵守以下规定... 句中的“转让”一词多数译者选用transfer。但用assign更正式,assign/assignment是法律英语,表示to transfer property .rights to sb in accordance with laws;而transfer/transference仅表示to hand over the possession of property ,etc.,因此,本段可译为:   Neither party of the Joint Venture may assign ,pledge ,sell or otherwise dispose of all or part of its investment subscribed to a third party without the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors and consent by the appropriate Chinese Government Approving Departments. In case that assignment is effected by one party ,the following stipulations must be observed...   【EX9】如果许可方允许任何第三方在任何地方使用本专利或相应的专利,及有关特许产品的生产、使用和销售的许可证,而且其条件比本协议规定的条件更优惠,许可方应立即以书面形式将这些优惠许可的细节通知被许可方,被许可方有接受相同优惠条件的选择权。   原译文:If the Licensor altows any other license under the Patent or their other responding patents to any third party in connection with the manufacture ,Use and sale Of the Licensed Products in any place under such conditions as are more favorable to a licensee than those provided herein, the licensor shall promptly inform the Licensee in written form of the details 0f such other license and the licensee has the choice to adopt equally favorable conditions.   译文中的altow(允许,许可)不如用grant正式。grant在英文合同,尤其在许可证合同中表示许可方to altow the licensee to,而altow仅表示to say that someone can do sth .inform一般指传达某种信息和资料,如:He informed his staff that he was going to Spain on business(他告诉自己的职员,他要去西班牙出差);notify用在合同文体中,表示正式书面通知对方与其有关的利益,因此,句中的“通知”应选择notify。前面的promptly也应更换为forthwith。句中最后的“选择”应选用option,专门用于表示当事人的一种“选择权”,尤其指offer to sb of the right to enter into a contract at a later date。例如:The Sellers have the option to deliver 5%more or less of the quantity contracted(卖方有按合同规定的数量多交或短交5%的选择权)。   2. Words with Multi-interpretation一词多义的处理   在合同英语中,一词多义或一义多词的现象较为普遍。要透彻理解这些词义,必须结合上下文,仔细推敲。以reference一词为例,它的一般词义是“参考”,但   它在不同的上下文中就有不同的含义。因此,不能仅用“参考”二字“对号入座”。请看下例各句:   (1)Thank you for your letter reference DT/Zi No.102.of 29th,March.   感谢你方3月29日编号为DT/Zi,No.102的来信。   reference在此例中指“编号” (number which makes it possible to find a document which has been filed)。   (2)We have had only one order from ABC Co. , Ltd. , so we regret we cannot give you a reference from tong experience.   我们仅接受ABC有限公司的一笔定货,很遗憾我们不能提供具有长期交往经历的资信情况。 reference在此例中指“资信情况” (statement about a company's abilities)。   (3)Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No.1529.   现谈到你方的第1529号销售确认书。   reference在此例中指“谈到” (mentioning or dealing with)。   (4)The Buyers ask for credit and have given the Bank of China ,Beijing as a reference.   买方要求记账交易,并提出中国银行北京分行作为资信备询人。   reference在此例中指“咨信备询人”(person who reports on someone's character or abilities)。   (5)The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission.   关于佣金的分配问题,应授予销售公司同样的权利。   with reference to在此例中意思为“关于”(about or concerning sb or sth)。   (6) A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/   C against S/C No.2523.   查阅你方记录可以看出,我方已多次催促,要求你方对第2523号销售确认书开立信用证。 reference在此例中指“查阅”。   以上只是含有reference一词的部分词义。可见,如果把reference一概译为“参考”不仅词不达义,而且还会影响条款的效力。一词多义的选择和确定通常从以下几方面着手:   1) Considering the Part of Speech根据词性确定词义   英语中有许多书写形式相同的词,却有着不同的词性,而词性不同,意义也有所差异。因此,在翻译时首先要断定这个词在原文中的词性,根据词性再进一步确定其词义。   【EX10】(1) Arbitration of all questions in dispute under this contract shall be at the choice of either party and shall be in accordance with the International Arbitration Rules Of American Arbitration Association.   对在合同中一切有争议的问题是否付诸仲裁将由任何一方作出选择,并须按照美国仲裁协会的国际仲裁规则进行仲裁。   (2) Our products are manufactured from the choice grades of material and will satisfy you in every respect.   我方的产品均用上等的原料制成,因此,在各方面都会使贵方满意。   由于以上两句中的choice的词性不同,在词义的确定上也有所不同。第一句中的choice是名词,意思为“选择”(act of choosing between two or more possibilities);第二句中的choice是形容词,意思为“优质的”(of very good quality)。   【EX11】(1) The prices quoted include a progressive commission ,to be calculated on FOB basis, of 2%for a single order for 10 dozen or up 3%for 30 dozen or up.   所报价格包括累进佣金,按FOB价为基础计算,每定单在10打及以上时佣金为2%,30打及以上时为3%。   (2) Party B is commissioned by the manufacturers to buy steel plates and this contract shall supersede all previous commitments.   乙方受制造厂家的委托购买钢板,因此本合同将取代以前的一切承诺。   以上两句中的commission,由于词性不同,词义具有很大的区别。前一句中的commission在合同中经常以名词形式出现,意思为“佣金”;后一句中的commission是动词,其意思为“委托”或“代理”。再如:The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall carry out all maintenance work during commissioning period (在试运行期问,承包方应负责进行一切维修工作)。   【EX12】(1) The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination.   检验与索赔的期限为货物卸至目的港后60天。   (2) Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation.   乙方同意在许可证到期时并不免除乙方应尽的义务。   (3) Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors.   董事会任命的总经理,负责履行合营公司的日常职权。   以上三句中都含有discharge,在不同的合同条款中,其词义也有很大不同。第一句中的discharge是名词(也可作动词).词义为:“卸货”(untoading cargo from a ship),经常出现在国际货物买卖合同中;第二句中的discharge是动词,意思为“免除”(releasing one party from the terms of a contract);第三句中的discharge也是动词,意思为“履行”(carrying out one's duty).   【EX13】The Contractor's Site Representative shall be present at the site throughout normal working hours except when on leave,sick, or absent for reasons connected with the proper performance of the Contract.The Contractor shall at all time keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by the Works and at the completion of the Works shall remove all remaining materials from and about the premises and shall leave the Site and Plant safe, clean and ready for Use.   在整个正常的工作时间内,除因假期、患病或由于正当履行合同而缺勤等理由外,承包商的现场代表必须到现场上班。在任何时候,承包商应始终避免因施工而使废料或垃圾堆放在施工现场,在施工结束时,应清除所有施工现场及其周围地区存放的剩余材料,使现场和工厂保持安全、清洁,以便随时可以使用。   以上例句中的两个条款中均含有leave一词,其中第一款中的leave是名词,意思为:“假期”(time absent from duty or work);第二款中的leave是动词,意思为:“保持”(to remain in a certain condition)。   需要指出的是,有时同一词类由于其形式的不同,其词义也有所不同。   【EX14】(1) The directors and officers of the Buyer in office on the effective date of the merger shall continue in office as the directors and officers of the Buyer for the term elected until their respective successors shall be elected.   企业合并生效之日,买方的在职董事和在职高级职员应继续留任为买方的董事和高级职员,其任期保留到选举出他们各自的继任人为止。   该句中的office是不可数的抽象名词,意思为“公职、官职”(work and duties connected with a position of trust and authority)。   (2) We hope to be able to reciprocate you r good offices on a similar occasion.   我们希望能在类似情况下报答你方的鼎力相助。   该句中的offices只用复数形式,表示“帮助”,经常使用的短语有through sb's good offices(承某人的鼎力相助)。   【EX15】(1) If the vessel had arrived at the toading port within the Confirmed Dates. the toading operation could be carried out now.   如果船只在确认日期内已到达装货港,现在就能够进行装货作业。   句中的operation是单数形式,一般表示“操作,作业”或“经营”。又如:These first stockholders shall organize and elect a Board of Directors and thereafter, such Board of Directors shall control the operation of the new corporation(应由首批股东组织选出董事会,然后,由这一董事会控制这家公司的经营)。   (2) We welcome any suggestions you may offer for our business operations.   贵方对我方业务活动所提出的任何建议,我方都表示欢迎。   句中的operations常用复数形式,表示“一种有计划的业务活动”。   2) Considering the Profession根据专业来确定词义   合同英语中会涉及各类不同的专业。专业不同,某些词语的词义也就相应地需要调整。   【EX16】(1)The invoice shall be subject to the usual trade discounts altowed by the Consignor.   发票须按照发货人所给予的通常批发折扣开立。   句中的discount意思为“折扣”(amount of money taken off the cost of sth),是商业贸易中常用的词汇。对某一价格打折扣,可接用of或on。   例如:We are prepared to grant you a discount of 5%on the price(我方准备给予你方5%的价格折扣)。   (2)The Buyer shall todge a 90-day note in Bank of China, Taiyuan Branch for discount.   买方将把一张90天的期票提交中国银行太原分行贴现。   句中的discount意思为“贴现”(the amount of money deducted from the face value of a note),是银行业务中常用的词汇。   【EX17】(1) Our end-users consider the Voltmeter to be unfit from application and claim that the instrument be replaced by you with a sound one.   我方用户认为该电量计不适于使用,要求你方用一只好的替换。   句中的instrument在机械设备中,指“仪器”。   (2) The board of directors may authorize any agent or agents to enter into any Contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation.   董事会可授权任何代理人以公司名义并代表公司签订合同或签发单据。   该句中的instrument在商业上多表示“正式的单据或文件”(formal document)。又如:The attorney is authorized to make, sign and deliver any other instrument, whether sealed or unsealed(律师有权撰写、签署和发送任何其他密封或开封的文件)。   (3) A party to an instrument may authorize an agent to endorse the instrument but must specify the principal-agent relationship on the instrument.   票据当事人可以委托其代理人在票据上签章,但应当在票据上注明其代理关系。   该句中instrument在结算业务中表示票据的总称。比如:《中华人民共和国票据法》规定“本法所称的票据,是指汇票,本票和支票”,英译为:The term “negotiable instrument ”as used in this law denotes “bill of exchange”, “promissory note'’ and “Cheque"。   【EX18】(1) The Ocean freight and transfer charges from the interior points to the port of shipment shall be paid by Buyer.   该项海运费及从内地发货点至装船口岸的中转费均须由买方支付。   该句中的freight在国际贸易中常指“运费” (money charged for carrying goods)。   (2)This freight must be carefully handled when toading.货物装载时必须小心搬运。   该句中的freight在国内运输中一般指“货物”(cargo or goods which are carried by land or sea or air),不指“运费”。   【EX19】(1) The premium rates vary with differed interests insured and with different destinations. routes and carrying periods of insurance.   保险费率随保险货物的不同而变化,也随目的地、航线和保险责任有效期的不同而变化。句中的interest在保险业务中指“被保险的货物”。   (2)If the Buyer fails to pay any amount when due, the Buyer shall be liable to pay to the Seller overdue interest on such unpaid amount from the due date until the actual date of payment at the rate of five percent per annum. Such overdue interest shall be paid upon demand of the Seller.   若买方未能按期支付到期款项,则买方应支付卖方从到期之日起算至实际支付之日止的年利率为5%的利息。一经卖方提出,买方应支付该过期利息。   此句中的interest在国际支付业务中,表示一方由于未能支付到期应付的款项,而向另一方支付的利息。   3) Considering the Coltocation根据词的搭配关系确定词义   搭配关系,是指一个词与另一个词连用而产生意义上的联系。一个词单独存在时是一个意思,但与其他词搭配使用就可能产生出各种不同的词义。因此,在确定和选择词义时,还必须考虑词与词的搭配关系。   【EX20】(1)In case of any request by either party, the party having possession of the desired records may deliver the appropriate records to the requesting party.   如遇任何一方提出要求,拥有所需记录资料的一方可将合适的记录递交给提出要求的一方。 句中含有case的介词短语in case of,其含义为“假使,如果”,引出状语。   (2)The price difference should in no case be as big as USD25 per metric ton.   任何情况下,价格的差额不会达到每公吨25美元。   句中含有case的介词短语in no case,意思为“决不”,具有副词性质,用作状语。   (3)In the case of an order for more than 6000 pieces, Party B altows a special discount of 6 per cent.   至于数量在6000件以上的定单,乙方愿给予6%的特别折扣。   该句中的in the case of与第一句的in case of只有一个定冠词之别,但其意思却有很大区别,前者意思为“至于,就...来说”,而后者的意思是“假如”。   【EX21】(1)Upon the arrival 0f the goods at the place of delivery the Buyers claim an altowance of USD 350 on account of inferior quality.   货物运抵交付地点后,由于货物质量不佳,买方要求索赔350美元。   句中的altowance与动词claim搭配,意思为“赔偿费”。   (2) Both Party A and Party B shall make a liberal altowance for such unforeseen circumstances arising during transit.   甲、乙双方应充分考虑到运输中所发生的意外情况。   句中的altowance在make altowance for结构中表示:在做某种决定时,“考虑到某事物”(to consider sth when making a decision)。   【EX22】The part of the contract price shall be paid in USD by way of an irrevocable Letter of Credit against presentation by Contractor to the negotiable bank.   合同价格要根据承包人要求,在议付银行以不可撤销的信用证方式用美元支付。   句中的negotiable作为形容词在修饰bank时,译成“议付”。形容词negotiable就其本身而言意思为:“可谈判的”,但是在修饰不同的名词时其含义也就不同。试比较:negotiable amount(可议付的金额),negotiable bill of lading(可过户证券),negotiable certificate of deposit(流通存单)等。   【EX23】(1)All activities of the joint venture company shall be governed by the law, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of the People's Republic of China.   合营公司的一切活动,必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有关条例及规定。   句中govern作为及物动词,其本意为“统治、治理、支配”,如In Britain the Queen reigns but elected representatives of the people govern the country(在英国,女王是君主,而治理国家的却是民选的代表)。而本句中的govern的宾语是all activities of the joint venture company,其后的by引出的又是有关的law和decrees,因此,根据其搭配关系,句子中的govern 应理解为“遵守”。   (2) The Surviving Corporation shall continue to be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.   该续存下来的公司仍将由中华人民共和国法律管辖。   该句中govern的宾语是corporation,两词搭配,译成被动句“由...管辖”。   【EX24】The carder's responsibility for the cargo ceases immediately when the cargo leaves the ship's tackle and thereafter all risks and expenses involved are the responsibility of the cargo.   当货物离开轮船挂钩时,承运人的责任即行终止,此后一切风险及费用一概由货主负责。该句的cargo出现了三次,其中前两个根据其搭配关系均可理解为:a toad of goods carried in a ship or aircraft(用船或飞机运载的货物);但第三个cargo用of引出,修饰responsibility,而且句子的主语为risks and expenses,因此,根据该词与句中其他词的搭配关系,应理解为“货主”。   3. Easily-confused Words易混淆的词   英文合同中还有一些易混淆的词,这些词中有的书写虽基本相同,内容却有很大区别;有的1) Attention to Meaning注意书写基本近似,但意义不同的词   英文中有许多词在书写上基本上相似,但在内容上有很大的区别,特别是一些短语,更换一个介词或添加一个冠词,其内容就会有很大的区别。这些词或短语一定要引起译者的足够重视。   【EX25】(1) The Party B shall request his bankers to open an Irrevocable letter of credit in Party A's favour upon receipt of Party A's Confirmation of this order.   一但收到甲方关于此项订货的确认后,乙方便要求其银行开立以甲方为受益人的信用证。 句中的短语in one's favour意思为“以...为受益人”。   (2)Our goods that we offer you are much in favour on the European Continent.   我方向你方报盘的货物,在欧洲大陆颇受好评。   该句中的in favour与上句的in one's favour只相差一个名词所有格形式或形容词性物主代词,但意义却大不相同。in favour在本句中的意思是“受赏识,受好评”。   【EX26】(1) The Foreign Party shall furnish to the Joint Venture Company all the technical data necessary to ensure the effective operation of the machinery.   外方必须向合资公司提供一切必要的技术数据,以保证机械设备的正常运行。   句中的动词ensure意思为“保证,担保”,其书写与insure只相差一个字母,但意义却完全不同。又如:   (2) The Seller have insured the goods FPA and against War Risk at the rate of 0.5%for the sum of USD 36,000 with the Insurance company.   卖方已为该货物向保险公司投保平安险和战争险,费率0.5%,投保额为36,000美元。 该句中的insure表示to make a contract that promises to pay sb an amount of money in case of accident,injury,death or damage or toss of sth。   【EX27】(1) Up to now we have not heard anything from them about the order in question.   到目前为止,我方仍未接到他们关于该定货的任何消息。   句中的in question意思为“正在被谈起的”,经常译成“该”,如:the Contract in question(该合同)。   (2)It is obviously out of question to effect the shipment in June.很明显,6月份交货不成问题。   句中的out of question意思为: “毫无疑问”或“没有问题”。   (3)The prices shown in price-lists and catatogues shall be deemed to be the rock-bottom prices and any further reductions is out of the question.   价目单和商品目录中标明的价格,应视为最低价格,不会再次减价。   该句中的out of the question与上句中的out of question只相差一个定冠词,但其意义却完全相反。前者表示impossible,而后者却表示no problem。   【EX28】(1) The Borrower agrees to transfer to the lender the right to accept and substitute other assigned accounts subsequent to this date, in lieu of accounts this day assigned.   借款人同意向出借人转让收取和兑取自即日起的以后各项应收账款的权利,用以取代今天的各项应收账款。   句中的lieu意思为“代替”,如:accept a cheque in lieu of cash(接受支票替代现金)。   (2) Machinery shall become the sole property of the Joint Venture Company, free and clear of all liens, charges and claims of any kind whatsoever.   机械设备应成为合资公司的独占财产,不存在任何留置权,不存在任何费用,索赔等情况。该句中的lien与上句中的lieu书写非常近似,但lien的意思为right to keep sb's property until a debt owed in connection with it,法律上称“留置权”,属担保方式的一种。   2) Attention to the Relation注意同一概念、但表达不同权利义务关系的词   合同英语中的某些单词,单独地看,其概念是一致的。但在条款的具体应用中,其表现的权利义务关系和用词的规范与否是不同的。   【EX29】(1) The Contract Price set forth in this Contract shall not include any withholding tariff and any charges imposed on the contractor by the government in New Zealand.   原译文:在合同中规定的合同价格,不应包括新西兰政府向承包人征收的扣交税金和任何费用。该译文中的“税金”应改为“关税”。tariff在表示“税”时,主要用于“关税”,即:a schedule or system of duties imposed by a government on goods imported or exported at the rate of duty imposed in tariff.   (2) The China Corporation shall bear all relevant taxes and levies imposed upon the personnel by the Chinese Government, whereas the Emptoyer shall bear the same imposed upon the personnel by the Government of the Project-host Country.   中国公司应负责交纳中国政府对人员所征收的一切税金;雇主应负责交纳项目所在国政府对人员所征缴的一切税金。   该句中出现了两个有关“税金”的单词,即taxes and levies。其中tax在表示“税”时,主要强调:money taken compulsorily by the government or by an official body to pay for government services; levy作为名词,主要表示一种“征税”的行为,即:money which is demanded and collected by the government or by an agency or by an official body。因此,句中的taxes and levies合在一起可理解为:(中国政府所征收的)“一切税金”。   (3)The prices quoted above do not include any taxes. duties, impost and any other charges of any kind which may be levied in China.   以上所指的价格并不包括在中国境内所征收的各种税款、关税、进口税以及其他各种费用。该句中除taxes外,还出现两个表示“税”的单词,即duty 和impost。其中duty主要强调the tax imposed by a government on merchandise imported from another country,可理解为“关税”。但duty在表示“关税”时与tariff是有本质区别的,前者主要表示tax to be paid for importing,而后者除表示tax to be paid for importing外,还可以表示tax to be paid for exporting,所以,在翻译duty时,一般应结合上下文写成:“在某国内所征收的关税”;句中出现的另一个表示“税”的单词是impost,这个词纯粹表示“进口税”,但不一定是通过海关所征的税。   【EX30】(1)合资各方的责任:   甲方责任:   1.办理为设立合资公司向中国有关主管部门申请批准,登记注册,领取营业执照等事宜;   乙方责任:   1.办理合资企业委托在中国境外选购机械设备等有关的事宜:   (1) Responsibilities of Each Party to the Joint Venture   Responsibility Of Party A:   1.Handling of approval, registration business license and other matters concerning the establishment of the Joint Venture Company from the relevant departments in charge in China.   Responsibility Of Party B:   1. Handling the matters entrusted by the Joint Venture Company, such as selecting and purchasing machinery and equipment outside China, etc.   英译该条款时,应首先确定和选择“责任”一词的英语表述。合同英语中经常出现的两个表示“责任”的单词,一个为liability,另一个为responsibility。这是两个极易混淆的词汇, 在表达当事人的责任时是共同的,但涉及到具体的权利义务时,两词是有严格区别的。 liability在表示责任时,主要强调两个方面:一方面指“赔偿责任”(being legally responsible for paying or damage or toss),如:The underwriters refused to take any liability for the tosses(承包人对损失拒绝承担责任);另一方面指“债务责任’(一般用复数形式liabilities),如:The Seller shall refund to the Buyer such amounts after paying all tax liabilities(在付清一切税款后,卖方须向买方偿还这些款项)。因此,“有限责任公司”常被译成limited liability company,表示a company where a member is responsible for repaying the company’s debts only up to the face value of the shares he owns.   responsibility在表示“责任”时,着重强调“职责、义务”(commitment or duty for which a party is responsible),如:The licensee shall assume full responsibility for the payment of all royalties(对于一切专利权使用费的支付事宜,许可证受让方应承担完全责任)。   由上面的分析和比较可见,以上句子中的“责任”显然是合同各方应履行的职责和义务。因   此,应译为responsibility。   (2)任何一方当事人违反合同的赔偿责任,应相当于另一方因此所受到的损失,但不得超过违反合同的一方订立合同时应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失。   The liability of a party to pay compensation for the breach of a contract shall be equal to the toss suffered by the other party as a consequence of the breach. However, such compensation may not exceed the toss, which the party responsible for the breach ought to have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract as a possible consequence of a breach of contract.   该句中的“责任”明显是一种being legally responsible for paying toss,所以选择liability是合适的。