
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-05-08 14:34:08 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

A: Can I help you? A:您有事吗? B: Yes, we bought twenty electric heaters in your store three days ago. But now two of them are out of work. B:是的。我们三天前在贵店购买了20台电暖器,但现在有两台坏了。 A: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Could you tell me the brand? A:哦,非常抱歉听到这种情况。您能告诉我是什么品牌的吗? B: Yes, it's Caihong-150 Electric Heaters. B:可以,是彩虹牌150型电暖器。 A: What's the matter? A:什么毛病? B: The problem is that it doesn't heat after we turn on electricity. B:毛病出在我们通电后,电暖气热不起来。 A: Please bring the receipt and the warranty card with you. We'll be delighted to repair or replace them. A:请您把发票和保修卡拿来,我们将很乐意为您修理或更换两台。