
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-05-09 16:38:25 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

你爱聊天吗?跟朋友在一起聊天时,你是否会滔滔不绝,永远都有聊不完的话题呢?然而,如此爱聊天的你,不知道对那些与“聊天”相关的句子翻译又了解多少呢? 1. 我和约翰聊了会儿天。 【译】I had a chat with John. 2. 为什么不过来聊聊天呢? 【译】 Why not drop in for a chat? 3. 朋友聊天是一件很愉快的事。 【译】Chatting with a friend is a gas. 4. 你找她一块儿聊天儿来着? 【译】Have you gossiped with her? 5. 他们聊天儿没别的,全是废话! 【译】Their chatter was nothing but froth! 6. 他在同一位漂亮的酒吧女侍聊天。 【译】He was chatting up a pretty barmaid. 7. 他过来聊天,打牌。 【译】He came over to chat and play cards. 8. 一群人站在门外聊天。 【译】A knot of people stood talking outside the door. 9. 会见变成了愉快的闲聊。 【译】The interview resolved itself into a pleasant chat. 10. 几个老太婆在角落里聊天。 【译】A couple of old women were chinning in the corner. 11. 我们在客厅呆一会儿,喝茶聊天好吗? 【译】Shall we have a chat in the sitting room over the tea for a while? 12. 他们继续开心地聊天,将等着购物的顾客们置于一边。 【译】They blithely carried on chatting, ignoring the customers who were waiting to be served. 13. 我就只是呆在宿舍里坐着和几个朋友闲谈。 【译】I just stayed in the dorm to sit around and shoot the breeze with a couple of friends.