
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-08-02 17:04:19 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:


习语往往深深扎根于我们的文化中,可以追溯到多个时代。当脱离上下文时,习语通常读起来很有趣:“rain cats and dogs”这并不意味着猫和狗在天上掉下来;但同时,在外语中很难有效地翻译和表达习语。


(英语解释) 英语对应表达 Il pleut des cordes
(it’s raining ropes) I’s raining cats and dogs Avoir une dent contre quelqu’un
(to have a tooth against someone) To have a grudge against someone C’est la fin des haricots!
(It’s the end of the beans) That’s the last straw Chercher midi à quatorze heures
(To look for midday at 2pm) To over complicate things Etre trempé jusqu’aux os
(To be soaked to the bones) To be soaked to the skin Faire choux blanc
(to make white cabbage) To draw a blank Faire d’une pierre deux coups
(To hit twice with the same stone) To kill two birds with one stone Panne d’oreiller
(pillow failure) To sleep in (usually when you are late for work / an appointment) Se noyer dans un verre d’eau
(To drown in a glass of water) To make a mountain out of a molehill tirer les plans sur la comète
(to draw up plans on the comet) To count one’s chickens before they’ve hatched Voir 36 chandelles
(to see 36 candles) To see stars Vouloir le beurre et l’argent du beurre
(To want the butter and the money for the butter) To want your cake and eat it too
