
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-08-29 15:29:27 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 上海翻译公司翻译公司上海十大翻译公司

韩语因其强大的经济地位、地缘政治重要性和贸易量而成为一种日益重要的语言。全世界有7000多万人说韩语,韩语是韩国的官方语言。 韩国被历史和现代语言学家归类为语言孤立,这意味着它不是来自任何其他语言。韩语字母韩语由24个字母组成:14个辅音和10个元音。 根据我们将英语翻译成韩语的研究和经验,我们编制了20个最需要翻译的语言对列表。
Top 20 Translations:
English Korean Hello ?????. Goodbye ??? ????. Merry Christmas ?? ????? Happy Holidays ??? ?? ????. Happy Birthday ?? ?????. Happy New Year ?? ? ?? ?????. Congratulations ?????. What time is it? ?? ? ????? Where is the bathroom? ???? ??? ????? My name is… ? ???… What is your name? ??? ??? ????? Peace ?? Welcome ?????. Thank you. ?????. You are welcome. ????. Where can I find a hospital? ??? ??? ????? Where can I find a bank? ??? ??? ????? Where can I find a good restaurant? ?? ??? ??? ????? Where can I find a taxi? ??? ???? ?? ???? Where can I find an airport? ??? ??? ????? There are other words that are commonly translated, like numbers and months, for content that includes things like dates and time.
Months of the year:
Numbers: ??: One ?? Two ? Three ? Four ? Five ?? Six ?? Seven ?? Eight ?? Nine ?? Ten ? Eleven ??? Twelve ? ? Thirteen ? ? Fourteen ? ? Fifteen ? ?? Sixteen ? ?? Seventeen ? ?? Eighteen ? ?? Nineteen ? ?? Twenty ??: Months of the year:
Months: ?: January 1? February 2? March 3? April 4? May 5? June 6? July 7? August 8? September 9? October 10? November 11? December 12?
