
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-05-24 15:06:47 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 翻译

These are exciting and worrying times. 既有令人兴奋的时刻,也有令人担忧的时刻。 Please, everybody be seated. 请就座。 Let me begin by thanking Nancy for the wonderful introduction. 首先感谢南茜的精彩介绍。 When it comes to 当谈到 Part of the reason is because 部分原因是因为 One sign that things are different is 不同情况的迹象之一是不同情况的迹象 That’s what I’ve come to talk about today. 这就是我今天要讲的。 Problems will be compounded by the fact that 由于以下情况,问题会变得复杂,这就是问题所在
It’s an honor to speak with all of you today. 很荣幸今天能对大家发表演讲。 This is a challenge we all face. 这是我们每个人都面临的挑战。 Those of you in this room helped make this progress possible. 正是在座的各位,我们才取得了这一进展。 Today’s discussion was so rich, detailed and comprehensive that it is hard to summarize it.今天的讨论内容丰富、详细、全面,不容易总结。 What we have achieved is of tremendous importance.我们所取得的成就非常重要/至关重要。 let me express my gratitude to 我想是的...表达我的感谢。 I wish you every success 祝你成功 Let me conclude by saying that 演讲结束时,我想说。 play a major/significant role in 在…… 发挥重要作用 I would like to start by acknowledging the organizers of this exceptional event, and thank themr the opportunity to speak with you today.首先,我要感谢组织者组织了这次优秀的会议,并感谢他们为我提供了与您沟通的机会。 For those not familiar with 对那些不熟悉的人(朋友)
we have a long history of working with China 我们与中国打交道的历史悠久 It is our belief that 我们认为 I would like to extend my sincere thanks to 我想是的...表达我真诚的感谢 Let me make on additional point in closing 结束之前,我还想再说一点

The most important thing is 最重要的是
