
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-05-26 14:11:34 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:


    1. I hope my presence here tonight is further proof of the importance we in Britain attach to the relation with your great country. (我希望我今晚来到这里,可以进一步证明,我们英国高度重视和你们伟大国家的关系。)

    2. I believe the ship’s arrival in Guangzhou today is a symbol of the friendship that has always existed between Sweden and China in the past 260 years. (我相信,这艘船今天来到广州,象征着我们的友谊,它一直存在于瑞典和中国之间,长达260年。)

    3. My delegation commends the international community for its contribution in searching for solutions to the problems of terrorism and conflict in Africa. (我国代表团赞扬国际社会积极致力于寻求解决非洲恐怖主义和冲突问题的办法。)

    4. The UN is an indispensable vehicle for the preservation of civilization in the interest of all nations of the world. (联合国是一个不可缺少的工具,以维护文明,造福于各国人民。)

    5. In this regard, we support the movement towards renewal and restructuring away from the static stereotypes of the past.(在这方面,我们支持进行更新和改组,摆脱过去那些僵硬的一成不变的做法。)

    6. I believe this can contribute to(have a positive impact on)the future relations between the developed and the developing countries.(我认为这将有助于(积极影响)今后发展中国家与发达国家的关系。)

    7. We noted the secretary general’s view that any sizable of reduction of the peacekeeping force would be inadvisable at this stage. (我们注意到秘书长的观点,他认为现在要大大削减维和部队是不合适的。)

    8. We have all noted the secretary general’s report on the increasingly perilous state of financing. (我们都已经注意到秘书长的报告说财政情况日益拮据。)

    9. He reiterated the position of his delegation that... (他重申他们代表团的立场,主张??)

    10. It is my great honor to be present at this unprecedented gathering of officials from 9 countries in Central and East Asia for the first of a series of UNDP-sponsored workshops on the issues and challenges of economic transition. (我感到很荣幸来参加这次空前的集会,有来自中亚和东亚9个国家的官员参加,这是联合国开发署主办的一系列讲习班的第一次来讨论由经济转轨带来的一些问题和挑战。)


    1. It is a long way from Peking to London((等一下)北京和伦敦相距遥远。)

    2. It will be very difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts.((等一下)要做决
