
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-01 14:12:58 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

随着我国国力的增加,全球经济一体化的发展等,使我国与其他国家的交流越来越广,越来越繁,这使国际间跨文化交流也益加广泛。下面小编为大家分享学习医学英语翻译,希望对大家有用。 精神科-身心内科psychosomatic clinic 精神科-焦虑忧郁失眠门诊anxiety and insomnia clinic 精神科-癌症团体心 治 group cancer therapy 精神科-儿童青少 特别门诊(限18岁以下) youth psychiatry 放射线科radiology 核医科nuclear medicine 疼痛科pain management 麻醉科anesthesiology(anesthesia) dept. 健科rehabilitation 解剖病 科anatomical pathology 预防注射科prophylactic immunization 病 科pathology 青少 谘询特别门诊juvenile psychiatry department 肿瘤科oncology 神经内科neurology 神经外科neurosurgery 家庭医学科family medicine 社区医学部community medicine 心血管加护病房cardiac cu(ccu) 心血管中心cardiovascular center 心脏血管外科加护病房cardiovascular surgery icu 急诊emergency dept. 急诊医学科emergency medicine 内视镜科endoscopy section 血液透析hemodialysis 肝胆科hepatology 高危险妊娠症学科high-risk pregnancy 安 护hospice center 职业病科occupational medicine 放射肿瘤科radiation oncology 保健科preventive medicine 运动医学科sport medicine 肺结核加护病房tbicu 外伤加护病房trauma icu 健康检查中心health evaluation center 脑血管中心cerebral vascular clinic 神经医学中心brain center 烧伤中心burn center 癌症中心cancer center 癌症防治中心cancer control and prevention center 高压氧治 中心hyperbaric oxygen therapy center 肥胖防治中心weight reducing 床科部洗肾中心hemodialysis center 医学美容中心medical cosmetic center 医学影像中心medical image center 运动 健中心rehabilitation-exercise center 病人保健推广中心diabetic center 中西合作医 中心chinese-western cooperative treatment center 社区护 home care 护 之家nursing home 护 部nursing dept. / nursing department 护 长室head nurse 医 技术ct登记处ct admission x光摄影室(借片室)x-ray room 孕症谘询室infertility consultation room 内分 检查室endocrine examination room 内科诊查室internal medicine clinic 内视镜室endoscopy 化学治 chemo-therapy 心电图室ekg 心导管室cardiac catheterization room 心脏血管中心cardiovascular center 心脏血管检查室cardiovascular examinations 心脏超音波heart echo 水 室hydrotherapeutics 生化实验室biochemical lab 生 检查科physiological exam 皮肤病 诊断中心dermological pathological center 石膏室plaster room 光子刀治 中心photon knife center 多功能超音波室multi-function echo room 肌电图室emg 血库blood bank 血液肿瘤科hematology 血清免疫学实验室immu-serological lab 血管功能检查室vascular function test 血管摄影室cardiac angiography 动 检查室urokinetic exam. room 技术室technical support division 乳房超音波breast echo 乳房摄影室mammography 儿童治 室pediatric therapy room 儿童物 治 室pediatric physical therapy 儿童职能治 室pediatric occupational therapy 呼吸治 respiratory therapy 放射免疫分析室radioimmunoassay unit 放射科登记室radiology registration 医 技术放射线治 科radiotherapy 科微波热 室genitouro urologic 超音波urology echo 物 治 physical therapy 物 职能治 室occupational and physical therapy 肺功能pft 肺功能室pulmonary function testing 门诊检验oupatient check-ups 门诊体检physical check-ups 急诊x光室er x-ray room 胃镜室endoscopy room 胎儿影像中心3d live image center 气管镜室bronchoscopy room 特殊检查室special examination 胸部超音波chest echo 闪烁摄影室diagnostic imaging unit 骨质密 检查室bone density 骨骼肌肉超音波室echo for skeletal muscles 采 室urine collection room 产房delivery room 细胞遗传室cytogenetics 细菌研究室bacterial laboratory 麻醉科实验室anesthesiology laboratory 健科治 室rehabilitation therapy 紫外线光 室ultraviolet therapy 肾功能室renal function 肾脏超音波renal echo 视 检查室check-up for eye sight 周边血管室peripheral vascular examination 微生物实验室microbiological lab 新生儿观察室observation room-new born babies 眩检查室vertigo test 准分子 射室laser treatment 腹部超音波abdominal echo 腹膜透析室capd 脑波室eeg unit 解剖病 科实验室anatomical pathology laboratory 运动治 室therapeutic exercise room 射治 室laser therapy 电脑断层摄影室ct scan unit 电 室electrotherapy room 磁振造影扫描室mri unit 膀胱功能室bladder function test 膀胱镜室cystoscopy room 语言治 speech therapy 器官移植organization transplantation 医 技术检伤分 triage 检验室laboratory 检验科laboratory medicine 检体收发室specimen collection 检体受 紧急报告 取emergency procedure 检体处 室lab samples 营养室nutrition dept. 床病 室clinical pathology 医务室(医 站)clinic 药剂科(药局)pharmacy 体外震波碎石机lithotripsy 研讨室meeting room,seminar room 医师研究室physicians‘ office 医师讨 室physicians‘ meeting room 医院常用中英文对照汇编 研究室study room 男化妆室/男厕所men‘s restroom / gentlemen‘s restroom 洗手间/盥洗室restroom 身心障碍专用厕所disabled restroom 储藏及仓库中央供应室central supply center 中央库房central storage 供应室supply room 清洁工具室janitors room 急诊清洁室er janitor 洗衣房laundry 汅物间soiled materials 清洁班cleaning crew 告示或警告标示施工中under construction 禁止吸烟no smoking 禁止饮食no food or drink 禁食槟榔chewing betel nut is prohibited 禁止携带物no pets 严禁烟火no open flames 请勿(禁止)进入no entry 闲人勿进authorized personnel only 节约用水please conserve water 随手关灯turn off lights when leaving 高压危险,有电勿靠近keep clear-high voltage 电器设备,严禁擅入do not enter!power equipment 告示或警告标示请取号码牌,静候叫号时迳往挂 号处挂号 take a number. go to counter when number is called. 防火门 火警时随手关门fire escape-please keep closed 避难出口 高 逃生缓 机emergency exit & escape sling 紧急疏散方向图evacuation plan 禁止将投手伸出扶梯外please do not stretch out your hand or head 您的位置you are here 电梯内请勿交谈,请戴口罩do not talk in elevator,please put on respirator 严禁工作人员戴手套触摸按钮employee, pushing buttom with your grove on is prohibited 资源回收及垃圾资源回收/垃圾分 recycling 塑胶 plastic 垃圾桶trash 垃圾处 室disposal area 特殊空间太平间morgue 其它药物医药分业谘询专线medical and pharmaceutical consultation inquiries 身体健康检查谘询预约服务专线physical examination 出入口 及专用道请勿停车 no parking 身心障碍专用坡道disabled ramp 书表慢性病 续处方笺chronic illness prescription slip 慢性病 续处方笺chronic continuous prescription 慢性病 续处方笺refill presriptions for chroni disease 诊断书medical certificate 挂号费registration fee 证明费certification fee 费ambulance fee 特定医 费special medical fee 部份负担费self-payment fee 诊察费diagnostic fee 病房费ward fee 伙食费diet fee 检查费laboratory fee 放射线诊 费x-ray fee 治 处置费therapeutic treatment fee 手术费operation fee 健治 费rehabilitation therapy 血液血浆费blood product fee 血液透析费hemodialysis fee 麻醉费anesthetic fee 特殊材 费special medical supply fee 药费medicine fee 药事服务费medicine service fee 精神科治 费psychiatric treatment fee 注射技术费injection fee 婴儿费infant fee 特定健保费special n.h.i. fee 病 影印medical records copying 出院病 dischargged medical records 门诊申报outpaitent declareation 住院申报   inpatient declareation
