
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-15 14:12:31 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 翻译上海翻译公司翻译公司

“Let's try and keep this professional, shall we?“我们试着保持这种专业态度,好吗?
“There's no need for pesonal attacks, we all want this to work.“人身攻击是不必要的,我们都希望工作能顺利进行。
“It'd be great if we can all try and be professional about this – let’s focus on the issue at hand..“如果能尝试专业点,那就好了。我们应该把重点放在眼前的问题上...
“Name-calling is unnecessary. Let’s just move on.骂人是没必要的,我们继续吧。
“I don't care for unprofessional bickering, let’s just focus on what needs to be done here.“我不介意不专业的争吵。我们应该专注于当前需要做的事情。
“We’re colleagues and things will go smoother if we work together.“我们是同事,如果我们一起工作,事情会做得更顺利。
“This isn’t getting us anywhere. Let’s take a break and come back tomorrow fresh.“这没用。让我们休息一下,明天回来讨论一下。
“This isn’t constructive at all. Shall we take a look at what we can do instead of what we can‘t?“这一点也没有建设性。让我们看看我们能做什么,而不是不能做什么。
Have you experienced such situations? How did you deal with them? 你以前经历过这样的情况吗?你是怎么处理的?
