
Press Releases

低风险地区中小学校园内学生不需戴口罩 商超餐馆全面开放

作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-04-27 15:56:38 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

国家卫健委、教育部日前制定《中小学校新冠肺炎疫情防控技术方案(修订版)》(以下简称《方案》)。 2020年5月7日,江苏淮安一所小学的体育老师在上课。(图片来源:中国日报) Primary and secondary school students no longer need to wear masks on campuses in areas with a low risk of COVID-19, according to the protocols. 《方案》明确,低风险地区校园内学生不需佩戴口罩。 Teachers of such schools are also allowed to go mask-free when giving class, while it is not recommended for infants and kids to wear masks in nurseries and kindergartens. 老师授课时不需戴口罩,同时,幼托机构幼童不建议戴口罩。 Janitors, sanitation workers and canteen workers are required to wear masks. 校门值守人员、清洁人员及食堂工作人员等应当佩戴口罩。 在控制校内人员密度方面《方案》要求: Schools, where conditions allow, should ensure that students are seated at least one meter apart from each other. 有条件的学校,应保证每名学生前后左右间距保持1米。 The protocols advised that large classes be divided up into smaller ones, or that students of large classes go to school at staggered hours. 对学生人数较多的班级可分班教学或错时上学。 Dormitories of boarding schools should not be located in the basement, the protocols read, adding that there should be no more than six students allocated to each dorm room. 寄宿学校的宿舍不应位于地下室,同时,每间宿舍入住的学生不得超过6名。 出现疑似感染症状应急处置方面,《方案》要求: Staff and students should report their health conditions and whereabouts in the last 14 days to the school before returning to campus. Also, schools are required to urge people with symptoms, including fever, fatigue, dry cough or diarrhea, to seek medical help. 教职工及学生返校前应报告健康状况及过去14天的活动轨迹,同时要求有发热、乏力、干咳或腹泻等症状的人员就医排查。 商超餐馆全面开放 5月8日,国务院联防联控机制印发《关于做好新冠肺炎疫情常态化防控工作的指导意见》。 2020年5月1日,游客在故宫拍照。(图片来源:新华社) Shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants and other public places will be fully reopened on the premise of implementing epidemic prevention measures, the guideline said. 指导意见提出,在落实防控措施前提下,全面开放商场、超市、宾馆、餐馆等生活场所。 Meanwhile, outdoor places including parks, scenic spots and sports venues and indoor sites such as libraries, museums and art galleries will be opened through appointments and with restrictions on visitor numbers. 采取预约、限流等方式,开放公园、旅游景点、运动场所等室外场馆,以及图书馆、博物馆、美术馆等室内场馆。 The guideline also noted that entertainment venues like movie theaters and arcades, may host meetings and exhibitions where necessary. 影剧院、游艺厅等密闭式娱乐休闲场所,可举办各类必要的会议、会展活动等。 【相关词汇】 常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control 保持社交距离 social distancing 实行封闭式管控 to exercise management by sealing off entities 恢复生产生活秩序 to resume work and normal life