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作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-16 14:17:17 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 翻译上海翻译公司翻译公司


1. Magnetic fields of the former kind are geerally about a million times weaker than the Earth’s field ,whereas those originating from the traveling signals of nerve cells are even weaker, some hundred million times less than the earth’s field at their strongest.
这里somee[分析]somee 不是形容词(或determiner限定词),而是副词,经常用在数字之前,相当于about的“约”,比如therer were some 40 or50 peop0le there.故some hundred million 应翻译成“约1亿”。

2. Now Jeffreys points out that, if a number of observations have been found to conform to a law, it is highly probable that next one will do so whether the law is true or not.


1. For the balance of the section, let’s speak in straightforward and elementary terms to describe the function and form of the electronic computer.
[分析]在《朗曼当代英语词典》的balance词条下,可以找到moneyy or something else which remains or is left over,又见例句:May I take the balance of my holidays before the end of September ?

2. We have a sales force at present of twenty-four salesmen of the road, each with his own territory.
[分析]在商业英语中on the road =away from home use,in regular travel on business esp. as a traveling salesman (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language) ,所以salesmen on the road 解决“外勤推销员”问题。

3. Sleeping late on weekends can also disrupt your circadian rhythm.
[分析]这句话 sleeping late误译为“晚睡”,即“晚睡”、“晚睡”),实际上意味着“晚起”或“晚睡”。Janet,《从中式英语到英语》的作者 Adams 写道:“Remember that sleep late means to get up late and not go to bed late.

1. By the age of 19 Gauss had discovered for himself and proved a remarkable theorem in number theory known as the law of quadratic reciprocity.
[分析]number theory 被误认为是“数理”,是由于不了解专业造成的。事实上,它指的是数学上的“数理”,这与“数理”有两个不同的概念。

2. Designed to predict the motions of hesavenly bodies ,it does its job with unbelievable accuracy——better than one in a hndred million for the motion of the earth around the sun——and it remains in daily use to predict the orbits of moons and planets ,comets and spacecraft.
[分析]原文没有“只略”的含义,应删除。Better than 装饰accuracy意味着“准确性胜于”或“比……更准确”,即“误差小于”。

3. When allowance is made for the separate auxiliary load the consumption can rise to nearly 1 Ib/SHP hour and this is generally about 20% better than the overall fuel consumption of a steam plant at cruising speed.
这里的better[分析] than 用来修饰“油耗”时,必然是指油耗低,而不是油耗高。
[正译] ...一般来说,这比蒸汽装置巡航速度时的总油耗低20%左右。

1. Anyone who has tugged heavy hand baggage down endless airport corridors, or waited for a deluged flight in a sterile lounge will bow how user unfriendly many airports are in design terms .
这里的endlesss[分析] 误译为“无止境”,实际上解释了“环”(circular,with the ends joined ),一般大型国际机场,从候机室到每条跑道的走廊都是环形的,两端相连。
[正译] ...,穿过环形机场走廊,...
2. I am/ we are carrying currency or monetary instruments over $ 10000 U.S. or foreign equivalent.
[分析]instrumentss原译 解决“仪器”显然是由于缺乏背景知识和脱离上下文造成的错误。这里指的是“证券、票据”;monetary instruments 应翻译“金融证券”。

习惯力也会导致误译,如下列句子中的at the same time,也许这个短语太熟悉了,所以它经常被翻译成“同时”。事实上,这里的上下文没有时间关系,而是让步关系。
1. In most cases,…he knows that certain manufacturing processes will have to be employed .In many instances ,the selection of a specific material may dictate what processing must be used .At the same time .when certain processes are used ,the design may have to be modified in order for the process to be utilized effectively and economically.
[分析]at the same time “同时”和“然而”有两种解释。在上一句话中,短语不是指时间关系,而是指这种关系短语引出了人们需要注意的事实。在at中,英语词典中至少有8本出版的词典 the same time 本文仅列出了however的一个解释。根据中国首届一指的《英汉大词典》编写组,至于为什么有些词典只有however解,篡改者可能不会接受语言 meaning 因此,作者认为言之有理。
[改译] ……但是,在采用某些加工工艺时,…
2. The force of gravity and the friction of the air near the earth are working against the satellite.
[分析]英语可以说是nearar the earth,“地球附近”不能翻译,因为这个词只指位置(location),即直线距离(linear distance),但是地球不是单一的平面,而是球体。

1. Feedback, which one-way communication like the printed page fails to provide, makes learning easy and, in the case of motor skills,is essential.
[分析]in the case of“就..说(说),说,说,说,至于”。Motors skills 它是教育学上的名字,指的是“运动技能”,而不是“摩托车驾驶”。
[正译] ...就运动技能而言,反馈更为重要。
2. The results of that decision can now be evaluated as the first ships of the new gas turbine Navy far enough advanced to enable a comparison to be made with existing steam turbine warships.
[误译] ...,这一决定的结果是英国海军第一艘先进的新型燃气轮机舰只与现有的蒸汽轮机舰相比进行估计。
[按]first 误译为“第一艘”,将advanced误认为“先进”,都是不认真认真造成的。
3. There is generally an advantage in being able to keep propelling machinery as far aft as a large gearbox restricts possible, but this positioning.
[分析]如far aft 翻译成“远离舰尾”,意思完全颠倒。这里的far相当于much,considerably,to a great extent. Aft [a : ft ]非常接近船尾。因为“尽可能接近船尾”的概念已经很清楚了,所以“非常”不能翻译。

In practice ,a rotor weighing about 10 tons and rotating at 3,000 r .p . m . may be so well balanced that the motion ,except for sound ,is just perceptible.
这里的justt[分析] =almost not, hardly 曾误译为“刚刚意识到……”
