
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-04-27 15:57:06 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签:

文化和旅游部官网发布旅游提示,提醒广大游客“五一”出游疫情防控不放松,安全文明记心中。 游客在河南省宝丰县油菜花田自拍。(图片来源:新华社) Tourists are asked to pay close attention to the situation of epidemic risks released by local authorities and the latest epidemic prevention and control measures of their destination, according to a statement on the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 文旅部官网发布的提示指出,游客要密切关注各地疫情防控部门发布的疫情风险情况,了解目的地最新疫情防控政策。 Tourists are urged to carry out self-protection measures including wearing masks and washing their hands frequently, as well as keeping their distance from others while taking transportation and visiting parks. The use of serving chopsticks and spoons during meals is also recommended, the statement said. 游客要做好自我防护,戴口罩、勤洗手,在乘坐交通工具、入园游览时,自觉与其他游客保持间距。就餐时使用公筷公勺。 提示同时要求游客避免扎堆,错峰出游。 The statement also asked tourists to learn in advance about ticket reservations and other measures of scenic spots and devise their itineraries to avoid peak times. 提示建议游客提前了解景点的门票预约等措施,间隔入园、错峰旅游。 文旅部提醒游客,自觉遵守旅游目的地和景区疫情防控制度,接受测量体温(take temperature)、查验健康码(check health QR code)、分时限流、保持间距(social distancing)等要求,对于由此产生的排队等待给予充分理解。 此前,文旅部和国家卫生健康委曾联合印发《关于做好旅游景区疫情防控和安全有序开放工作的通知》。 通知要求: Tourist attractions are allowed to receive 30 percent of their maximum visitor capacity. Paid scenic spots are required to evaluate the results before launching preferential policies for tickets and entertainment programs. 景区接待游客量不得超过核定最大承载量的30%,收费景区在实施临时性优惠政策前要做好评估,防止客流量超限。 Tourist attractions should strengthen management over population flow to prevent mass gatherings. Travelers are required to make reservations and encouraged to visit scenic spots in different time periods. 景区要强化流量管理,严防人员聚集。游客需提前预约,且建议分时段游览。 【相关词汇】 分餐制 serving of individual dishes 公筷公勺 serving chopsticks and spoons 停止接待群体性聚餐 Group meals are not allowed. 推广分时段就餐 to allow consumers to dine at staggered times 外卖服务 takeout services 一客一用一消毒 disinfection after each serving 出行轨迹 travel records 分时段控制客流 control the number of visitors during different time periods