
Press Releases


作者:瑞科翻译 时间:2023-06-20 17:06:17 来源:瑞科翻译官网 标签: 翻译上海翻译公司翻译公司

Every now and then sunshine is warm making life extremely long
有的时候 阳光很温暖 让我觉得我的一生太长了
The chance of meeting this person you are holding hands with now , is close to a miracle
现在能和你牵手的那个人 你们相遇的概率几乎是奇迹
Gazing upon the moon makes me feel so small . All those feelings ragarding my success my failure become so insignificant that they can be overlooked.
每次看月亮 我觉得那些困扰我、让我快乐的失落和成就似乎是一样的 什么都不是
Can you see me …can you see me now …? I'm a naughty child making ten thousand messes just to make you notice me.
你见过我吗? 我是个坏孩子 坏一千遍 坏一万遍 …… 一直坏到你看见我
The future that we have been so nervous and curious about is bright in our hearts.
那些 我们一直很紧张 充满好奇的未来 他们会在心里隐约觉得自己很明亮。
standing in a greenhouse full of cacti with a balloon named "happienss"in my hand.
这是一个装满仙人掌的花房 我拿着一个叫做幸福的气球站了很长时间 很久
If the person you like doesn't like you,wouldn't it still be lonely even if the whole world loves you?
假如你喜欢的人 不喜欢你 那么 即使全世界的人都喜欢你 还是觉得很孤独吧
On my way out of town I started pondering what travel really is.
So many people have lost falth in love are you... one of them?
那么多人不再相信爱情了 那你呢
The starlight we see at night . how dose it travel all those lonely lightyears?
晚上我们看到的星星离我们有几光年的距离 这些光真的在宇宙中孤独地穿行了好几年才让我们看到吗?
I have crossed ocean of time to find you.
I like this part --- --- when you look at someone and they don't look away
我喜欢——当你看着某人的时候 他们没有转移眼睛
I began to immediately miss you, despite not having been separated for more than 24 hours. Despite being over 15000km away. I know you are there.
虽然我们分开还不到一天 我已经开始想你了 即使距离一万五千公里,即使距离也是一万五千公里 我知道你就在那里
I have more love than you ever need.
When you show up, it seems only you and me left in the whole world.
当你出现时,“哗” 的一声 我们是世界上唯一的人
When I'm at your side, it is like a button inside of my body gets turned off with a "pop".
亲爱的 和你在一起的时候 就像身体里的一个按钮 被"啪" 一声关掉了
He was laughing, just like that,"We will all grow old with the passing of each day, and die. Isn' t that great?"
他就那样的 笑着说:“我们都会一天一天地说。” 变老 然后死掉 多好"
I don' t know how to love you. Looking at you is the only way I know.
不知道 如何爱你 看着你 这是我唯一的办法
I want to find a box, store all the moments that you' ve touched me. When I don't like you as much, I can take them out and remeber.
想找个 保鲜盒 感动你给我的 都装起来 当我不太喜欢你的时候, 就拿出来 回味一下
I think of you, wherever I am. When I'm alone, you are the main character of my mind. I am... jealous of you.
每个地方都想你 一个人的时候 你成了思想的主角 这样的你 让我羡慕
The so-called "life", all depends on who you meet.
所谓人生 便是取决于 遇见谁
I know that one day I will forget you. I don' t have anticipation. I don' t feel sad. I just know, that' s all.
我知道有一天我会忘记你。 我没有期盼 我没有悲伤 我只是知道了 嗯
From the past until now even the future I just want to be with you.

过去包括现在甚至未来 我只想和你在一起
